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Eorzea Garden: Brand NEW RP Linkshell (Accepting new members)

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If you are looking to join our RP community, please register here:

Eorzea Garden Forum







Hello and welcome to Eorzea Garden!

We are a RP group based on the gardens from Final Fantasy 8.  Here, students, instructors, community partners, and graduates have the opportunity to create a school-based environment.  



Students will have the opportunity to attend classes, go on social outings with other garden members, and interact with other roles (grads/SeeDs, staff).  They will also engage in Garden assigned training missions and field exams. We will also be working to develop a story arc that will allow for growth and expansion of  Eorzea Garden. These details and scenarios will be announced as fit.  Students will work toward SeeD, White SeeD, or a Garden job (many options) through our level system to reach graduation.  Note that the level system is OPTIONAL--so if you're just looking for social RP, we'll still happily give you a home.



SeeD members will have the opportunity to engage on exciting missions and work up in rank.



Instructors will offer classes, mentor students, and supervise various events.



We currently offer:

Free Company (Rank 6 and moving up quickly)

OOC Linkshell (Chat, OOC meetups, RP meetups)

IC Linkpearl (Communication system for Garden members to communicate when they are not on campus)


We are accepting:

  • Students
  • Instructors
  • SeeD (graduate)
  • Other graduates (did not pursue SeeD)
  • Community partners
  • Villains (students or outside threats)
  • Other Garden staff (cooking, caretakers, etc.)

If you have questions, please feel free to send inquiries to Laguna Lestrange or post your questions under "Q&A" on our forum board.  Please visit the events page to keep up with planned events (you can also message me if you have an event that needs to be added).



Members wishing to donate funds toward the Garden House can contact Laguna Lestrange (all funds will be put into a FC chest only accessible by Laguna until we are ready to purchase a house to function as our garden).


-Garden faculty/instructors: these characters work at the garden with students and will give lessons, field exams, and supervise students as fit.  They will live on the premises and will even attend the Garden Festival (perhaps even sponsor the committee).




-Garden students (can split this into different categories if needed): Student live on premises and attend lessons, field exams to prepare for life as a SeeD.  Upon passing final field exam, these students may go on to work as a SeeD doing various tasks for individuals and grand companies alike.  Students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities and for clubs such as participating on the Garden Committee or planning other student events.




-SeeD/Garden graduates (may still frequent garden headquarters/live on premises): Most will go on to become a SeeD, where they will take on various jobs in the realm.  Others may choose to opt out and take on a more traditional lifestyle.  Either way, these people are always welcome to access the Garden and live on the premises.  They are also encouraged to attend all events and support the Garden.



-Villains who may pose threats to the garden/garden events; may be students or can be outside groups: Students who may not see the point in being at the Garden and function as trouble-makers for teachers or peers.  Outside sources who may threaten Garden safety or oppose the Garden.



-Community partners/supporters:  These are contacts who may come in as guest instructors, speakers, act as mentors to individual or multiple students, offer training/jobs/internship opportunities, or who may just want to support the young and coming students at Eorzea Garden.


We are currently accepting more contacts for ALL roles involved with Eorzea Garden.  I am also open to any suggestions you might have.



Casual Uniform: Wind Silk Coatee, any bottoms that are dyed black (females may wear skirt if preferred over slacks), and boots that are black, brown, or white.


Instructor/SeeD Uniform: Company Tabard (color black), black slacks/skirt, and black boots/shoes



If you're interested, you can mail on here or mail/tell in game to: Laguna Lestrange







Happy RP!



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The great thing about the idea of having a garden is that it really opens up doors for anyone and everyone somehow.  Maybe your drag queen character couldn't fit into the battle aspects of the garden, but it could certainly fit into it somehow whether it be that you are a student exploring entertainment (maybe you could even perform at the festivals and parties) or an alumni of the garden who chose a different path as opposed to SeeD.  I think either way we can find a way to make it work.


Just a heads up, right now I've only had this post up for one day, so I'm still waiting on more people, but I know that this will start to pick up as more people see the post/we recruit more.  If you are still interested, PM me and I can invite you to the LS. :)


I'm interested in this, but I have a bard, and a drag queen. Not sure how much help she would be.

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If you might be interested in some "guest instructors," my character, L'yhta, might be interested in doing some teaching of magic, depending on how IC discussions might go. That said, she's sworn (literally) to the Ivory Tower, so that might present some complications depending on your vision.


Feel free to poke me via PM or by tell in game if you want to discuss. :)

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Already took the ls invite and came here to read more.  My character is bound by the same thing as L'yhta so role of instructor or faculty may not work but a graduate he could be. Paran Hywel would be more then happy to help and support any way he can.

Awesome.  We have a couple of instructors, and we can always use guest instructors/speakers for the students.  I think once we get some more students recruited we will be able to organize our first meet-up.


If you hear of anyone else interested, just let me know so I can invite!  I'll keep all of you updated as we go.  Looking forward to this! :)

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So, I was thinking Raeje could be an entertainment instructor, if you have a need for such instructors at the Garden. I know it's all about SeeD and serious learning and stuff, but surely SeeD need to learn the arts too. 


Let me know what you think, and if you're cool with it, send me an invite to the LS in Game. My name is Raeje Draeka.

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Hey!  We'll definitely have some fine arts classes. I know one instructor already said she wanted to do dance, so if you want to offer a different arts class weekly or bi weekly that would be awesome.



So, I was thinking Raeje could be an entertainment instructor, if you have a need for such instructors at the Garden. I know it's all about SeeD and serious learning and stuff, but surely SeeD need to learn the arts too. 


Let me know what you think, and if you're cool with it, send me an invite to the LS in Game. My name is Raeje Draeka.

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So, I was thinking Raeje could be an entertainment instructor, if you have a need for such instructors at the Garden. I know it's all about SeeD and serious learning and stuff, but surely SeeD need to learn the arts too. 


Let me know what you think, and if you're cool with it, send me an invite to the LS in Game. My name is Raeje Draeka.


hah! I had an EQ2 char named Raeje!


i like this idea. im just returning to the game after a long absence and re-figuring things out and deciding on mains and what not, but would love to hear more either ICly or OOC.

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So, I was thinking Raeje could be an entertainment instructor, if you have a need for such instructors at the Garden. I know it's all about SeeD and serious learning and stuff, but surely SeeD need to learn the arts too. 


Let me know what you think, and if you're cool with it, send me an invite to the LS in Game. My name is Raeje Draeka.


hah! I had an EQ2 char named Raeje!


i like this idea. im just returning to the game after a long absence and re-figuring things out and deciding on mains and what not, but would love to hear more either ICly or OOC.

We would love to have you.  What role would you be interested in pursuing?


We have an OOC LS right now for RP meet-up.  Sunday at 3pm est is our opening event, so feel free to stop in for that.  It is going to be at Mist, Wart 5 at Topmast.  We'll also be passing out linkpearls to students/instructors for IC LS.  


Send me a tell IG when ya see me on and I'll send ya the invites.  If you have a character profile you can also send it to me in a PM on here and I'll link it to your character for others to reference and keep track of relationships with other characters at the garden. :)

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So, I was thinking Raeje could be an entertainment instructor, if you have a need for such instructors at the Garden. I know it's all about SeeD and serious learning and stuff, but surely SeeD need to learn the arts too. 


Let me know what you think, and if you're cool with it, send me an invite to the LS in Game. My name is Raeje Draeka.


hah! I had an EQ2 char named Raeje!


i like this idea. im just returning to the game after a long absence and re-figuring things out and deciding on mains and what not, but would love to hear more either ICly or OOC.

We would love to have you.  What role would you be interested in pursuing?


We have an OOC LS right now for RP meet-up.  Sunday at 3pm est is our opening event, so feel free to stop in for that.  It is going to be at Mist, Wart 5 at Topmast.  We'll also be passing out linkpearls to students/instructors for IC LS.  


Send me a tell IG when ya see me on and I'll send ya the invites.  If you have a character profile you can also send it to me in a PM on here and I'll link it to your character for others to reference and keep track of relationships with other characters at the garden. :)


Kiana, being the child of Doman immigrants turned Ul'dahn merchants would happily teach the Doman language and culture, as well as general etiquette and social skills.

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Hi, yes, I would love to be the theatre and language teacher. Maybe for small performances and such. Of course, that's if it's ok with you. I don't want to step on toes. 


Also, I will still be at work at 3pm estate on Sunday, so I will miss the first meeting thing. I will be home about an hour and a half later, and will try to be online that night. 


I tried player searching you, but you must not have been around, because nothing came up. 


Alright, just checking back in. Thanks.

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So, I was thinking Raeje could be an entertainment instructor, if you have a need for such instructors at the Garden. I know it's all about SeeD and serious learning and stuff, but surely SeeD need to learn the arts too. 


Let me know what you think, and if you're cool with it, send me an invite to the LS in Game. My name is Raeje Draeka.


hah! I had an EQ2 char named Raeje!


i like this idea. im just returning to the game after a long absence and re-figuring things out and deciding on mains and what not, but would love to hear more either ICly or OOC.

Also, we must have been on different servers then, because it was also my name in EQ2. Raeje has been alive for 13 years in my mind.

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So, I was thinking Raeje could be an entertainment instructor, if you have a need for such instructors at the Garden. I know it's all about SeeD and serious learning and stuff, but surely SeeD need to learn the arts too. 


Let me know what you think, and if you're cool with it, send me an invite to the LS in Game. My name is Raeje Draeka.


hah! I had an EQ2 char named Raeje!


i like this idea. im just returning to the game after a long absence and re-figuring things out and deciding on mains and what not, but would love to hear more either ICly or OOC.

Also, we must have been on different servers then, because it was also my name in EQ2. Raeje has been alive for 13 years in my mind.


mine was after the first server merge, on Crushbone i think? (original home was Lucin D'Lere, but she wasn't made yet there) - mostly she was a joke character. Dark-Fae Shadow Knight, so I thought the name was hillarious for her at the time.

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Sersi *points up* pointed me at this.  It's a neat idea and I'd like to see more about it through RP too.  Character is "older" (For FF) in his 30's and does have skills and job stuff  as well as a past, but you never do stop learning, so I'd love to see how it all works out.

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That was a great deal of fun!  Thank you for putting it together.  I'd be happy to be an instructor. 


Reylin is 31 years old and is a Doman trained Shinobi though he doesn't go about flaunting or really talking about it.  His doman past he keeps pretty tight about to the point he doesn't even sound Doman anymore and has also been in Eorzea since before the Calimity.


So his combat skills are hand to hand and short blades as well as a few other styles of weapons.   He believes firmly in trying to balance things in life and has a lot of experiences in dealing with personal failures and failings.  He's not a terrible cook either given his time as hired blade for caravans and merchants between cities.  Man learns to cook by fire, he can cook anything. 


Looking forward to meeting new folks and RP!

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New events have been added for this month.  Please feel free to attend as many as you can/would like to attend.  Open to students, instructors wishing to observe, students looking to join, and community members looking to see what we are all about! Will be adding other opportunities as they arise, so check for updates. :)


Again, anyone who is looking to join can also find updates here:

Eorzea Garden Forum

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