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Looking for FC, or just Connections in general.

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Well. I'm mostly looking for anything. But I'll go into detail about Xerh'a


Name: Xerh'a Amariyo

Sex: Male

Race: Miqo'te/ Keeper of the Moon

Age: 26

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual. He isn't interested in Lalafells, though he's not above flirting.

Home: He was born in the Black Shroud. He likes the lush green forest a bit too much. But currently. He's wandering all over Eorza.



Personality: Easy-going, friendly, loves to fight, but quiet and keeps to himself when alone. Thrill seeker.


Strengths: Xerh'a is really adaptive in combat. Preferring light armor and weaponry, he strikes quick and fast, with daggers and should he be disarmed, he can easily hold his own in hand to hand. Recently, he discovered that he can control aether. He seeks to be trained and hone this new ability.


Weakness: Xerh'a is rash and thrives off of combat. He really doesn't like to stay still and should he views something as boring, he'll tune it out. He doesn't wear heavy armor so he's not well protected against heavy strikes, so he has to rely on evading and parrying strikes, though he can take a beating. His new found aether control is as most would expect, is just budding. So he doesn't really have control over it, and this can lead into many bad situations.


History: Find out on your own.:cactuar:





What I am looking for:



I would like to find a well fitting FC at best. I'd prefer a large FC that RPs a good amount of the time. I'd also like to either stay on the side of the law or if not, a gray area. He would oppose it if given a good and direct reason why he should. I don't mind the darker side of RP as long as it remains tasteful. I'm also not too picky about what the FC is doing either as long as they are doing things constantly  If not, then I'd like to at the least meet new people

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Hey there! 


I can offer a few potential directions in which to go here, right out! 


The first is the ShroudLife Linkshell, which is pretty Miqo'te heavy and puts a lot of basis on Shroud RP and roaming RP in general. You're welcome to browse the link in my signature for the full dossier on the linkshell- then just let us know if you'd be interested in that at all, and we'll get you squared away!


The second is that Shroudwolf (are you noticing a pattern here yet?) is a predominantly Keeper Miqo'te FC which might be another option. Yes, I might have a little bit of a bias here- full disclosure. You can read about Shroudwolf over here, and decide for yourself (recruitment is closed, but we have ways around that- ahem): [Link]


Third and finally, Xerh'a would probably get along fairly well with Kasi, and she has a first-time-meeting attitude improvement when meeting other Miqo'te. She, too, is a thrill seeker and combat enthusiast that loves to go looking for fights. She works as a traveling mercenary, trader, and avid meat cook.


In any case though, good luck on your search!

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