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The Coeurl of Garlemald


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[A number of neatly penned letters have been popping up across Eorzea in recent weeks, all intended for the eyes of those rumoured or known to bear no ill will towards Garlemald and Eorzea. It is not unlikely, however, that some of those letters were somehow intercepted or stolen from intended recipients. The letters themselves are each adorned with a sketch of a regal looking Coeurl.]




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[align=left]"For a thousand years a grave and brutal conflict waged between the Ishgardians and the Dravanians. It is only in recent months that such a horrific war has finally come to an end - and it did not come easily at that. Yet despite this there are those within Eorzea and beyond it who would seek to ignite a fresh conflict that would see Garlemald turn its gaze towards these lands once more.



Many here are petulant and foolish, believing that Garleans deserve little more than to be cut down where they stand. I, for one, do not wish to see either Garlemald or Eorzea brought to ruin and I will do everything within my power to cut out what rot I can where and when I happen to stumble across it.



With that in mind I seek like-minded individuals who wish to work towards a better world for everyone, not just solely for Eorzea or for Garlemald. Yet such an immense feat cannot be easily achieved - nor will it be understood or approved of by many who persist in seeing every conflict through a very narrow view.



I speak as one who is a half-breed. I was born to a Garlean mother and an Limsan father. As such it would not be unfair to suggest that I bear loyalty to both veins of my heritage. Many would, of course, see me as little more than an abomination - something to be feared or ridiculed. Worse yet they would see me pledge my loyalty to one side and harm the other. That is not a path that I intend to follow.



I must also stress that I have no wish to align myself with traitors masquerading as 'defectors'. I wish to embrace those of you are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that neither Eorzea or Garlemald is brought to ruin. I do not intend to pick a side nor do I wish those around me to do as such. This will not be easy, it will not be without bloodshed and it will most certainly not be without heartache. Yet the alternatives are much less pleasant.



It may be foolish for me to put these words to parchment but if nothing else I wish to get the word out there that gears are turning and plans are being laid to work towards a better, brighter future for those willing to take the necessary steps. It is time to cease pretending as if Garlemald alone is solely to blame for much of the problems plaguing Hydaelyn. There are, after all, two sides to every conflict...and good, noble people can be found almost anywhere.



I realise that this may seem rather strange and that I may merely be preaching to the choir - though in due time I shall reveal myself to better bring my plans to fruition."



- The Coeurl of Garlemald


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With 3.5 right around the corner and tensions with Garlemald to rise to new heights for the foreseeable future I figured it would be pretty cool to set this in motion to stir up some role-play. I have long been a fan of Garlemald and its more morally grey rather than morally black elements and would love to see the more moderate elements brought to the forefront.


This is also something of an experiment - to see what sort of role-play can be spawned from something like this. Some characters may band together and support such a movement. Others may seek to counter and raze it to the best of their ability. Yet more may simply wish to sate their curiosity and do some digging in an attempt to track down this so called 'Coeurl of Garlemald'. They may see him as a naive, idealistic fool. Or they may see him as a beacon of hope.


No matter the circumstances I encourage those interested - and with characters relevant to such a plot point - to do some digging, to get involved and generally just have fun! In the process I also hope that this lures more like-minded Garlean role-players out of the woodwork as we are something of a scattered bunch at the moment.


If you want to work out something with me directly then feel free to contact me in-game - I'm around fairly often as Graeham Ridgefield. On Balmung! Or if you merely wish to go off and do your own thing then that works too. As I said, this is an experiment and what it amounts to is very much in the hands of the community.


As a disclaimer, this is a plot I intended to put forward a while back - long before ‘The Griffin’ ended up being a thing. It is not my intention for my character to be anywhere near his level of plot significance or as a Garlean counterpart.


I also thank everyone who managed to read this far - I may have gotten a little carried away and ‘wordy’ in all my excitement.[/align]

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Char Lohengrin couldn't keep from smirking, as he folded the letter up and pushed it across his desk towards the lead researcher, Ashorea Mo'Thana. "This cat has serious style; But I think somewhere along the lines he forgot there's still a wide divide... Maybe he thinks he can bridge it." The Miqo'te opened his humidor and thumbed through a few cigars before settling on one, rolling it between his fingers as he pulled it out.


"Mister President; Something like this might upset the very tempestuous balance. If I may be so bold, it might impact our sales." The Elezen replied, handing the letter off to the nearby Wendell Higgs whom took it in hand and looked expectantly to Char, whom concerned himself more with finding a lighter, than this controversial piece of parchment. "The hell are you? My sales representative? You're paid to oversee the egg-heads, not my bottom line. This 'Couerl of Garlemald' isn't anything special. Just another idealist with too much time on his hands, and access to too much paper... If anything he should apologize for stealing those two and a half minutes of my life in reading that."


After shifting several drawers about, buried under a few loose documents - he found the golden cylinder and depressed the button as he drew it to the herbal sleeve clenched tightly in his lips. A flame emerged and he took a few measured puffs before exhaling a cancerous smog into the room. "The general discontent isn't going anywhere; Eorzeans want Magitek - we'll sell them Magitek. The soldiers in Garlemald? They want Magitek. We're going to give them Magitek. We aren't playing politics, we're playing a market. Whoever this individual is, let them have their moment... But do so, outside of my profit margins. One man won't change the atmospherics... Now, unless you have something important, burn that damn thing and get back to work."


The woman stood her full height and shook her head, before departing - Wendell not far behind her. Char stood up and moved to gaze pensively outside the window, looking up towards the night sky as he continued to puff at his cigar. '...I sincerely wish you the best of luck... Idealists are often short-lived, with good reason...' He thought silently to himself.

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