Ekidna Posted January 28, 2017 Share #1 Posted January 28, 2017 Hello everyone, My friend Aelfred and I were planning on organizing an IC RP wedding for our characters. The thing is...it's A GARLEAN WEDDING ! Aelfred and Meifeng are respectively the bastard son of a pure blood, with a past in naval forces, and an othardian conscript who dedicated 14 years of her life working as a shadow under the orders of commander Nikolai rem Gladio (PC alt) to earn citizenship for good military services. I definately think it would look awesome to have people coming in imperial outfits or red & black costumes. Moreover, it could also give you guys a good setting to rp and meet people interested by the imperial side of life ; ) I wanted to check the interest of making such wedding open to RP with a garlean theme, and ask if you had any idea or things that could be fun and awesome to do using the few garlean stuff we have on this game: > Magitek Armors mounts > Imperial salutes > Imperial outfits (legionnary costume from MSQ, shadow imperial visor) We could definately make awesome group poses for screenshots and give everyone good memories! Don't hesitate to throw all your ideas and help us make this a funny moment. Wedding won't be scheduled before at least a month, so we have time to gather ideas and people :love: Thank you all! Link to comment
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