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[Balmung] Lalafell looking to make his mark!

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Howdy! Foremost, thank you for taking the time to look at my post! Yes, this includes you, lurkers.

Moving on however, I've recently decided to dabble into the RP scene, taking things step by step and making sure all the groundwork is laid out before I really dive in! As well as maybe trying to hit level 60 first, but that's neither here nor there!


To get to the point, I've got myself a little punk of an Onionfell and boy howdy does he have plenty of possible connections to fill; now, I'd personally planned to have a good chunk of them slotted with NPC's but then I thought, heck. There's lots of people out there and they might just be looking for what I'm offering!

Thus, let's finally dabble into the past, growing up he'd have been surrounded by plenty of Roe's, his mother figure, friends, 'friends', bullies and most definitely mentors/employers! I'd initially planned to have the role of mother, friends, 'friends' and mentor/employers be filled by NPC's but into the grab bag they go!


Following that we go nearer to the present, adventurers, punks and just about anyone who enjoy a good bout of sparring! Really, the present is far more open to all kinds of things due to his IC story has yet to begin.


With that we're done with most of the IC mumbojumbo though, lemme tell you a little 'bout me no! I'm rocking that sweet, sweet EST! I'm generally available from 6pm to 1am unless something comes up or I'm just not feeling it. Furthermore, I'm totes fine with out of game roleplay as well, I understand that to some standing around staring at each others characters while typing can be boring and a hassle, so using one of the butt-load of messengers out there is a viable option to scratch that story-tellers itch!


That's uhh... 'bout all I can think of right now, soooo... hope to hear from some of you, and to those of you who stuck around this far, double thanks with a double chocolate chip cookie!


>Whoops, Ninja-edit in case any of you were planning to check out the Wiki, the characters name is actually Faelen Etin, just haven't nabbed a name change yet!

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Hey there!


Looking over your RPC biography for Faelen, he would probably get along fairly well with Kasi considering the two of them are ultimately in pursuit of the power to protect and improve themselves. At the same time, I get the feeling they have vastly differing approaches on how best to go about doing that- which means they could very well end up as rivals or even enemies. Whereas Faelen seems a more good-natured and free-spirited character, Kasi adheres to an honor code and subscribes to a power-at-any-cost mantra. So, there's some light-and-darkness play going on there.


As a good aligned character though, I think you might be able to plug in with the Hydaelyn Protectors linkshell if you're looking for some action there (in which case you will most certainly end up an enemy to Kasi). They're kind of a vigilante group that seeks to root out corruption and protect the realm- I've run some encounters with them in the past, and they're a pretty bang-up group that's still growing!

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