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[Balmung] Hyur looking for Tribal Xaela FC/Connections

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Hello! My name is Sydrian Lionheart, I've had this character a little over two years and am looking for a new home for him. I'll give a brief backstory (cant give all his secrets away!)


Sydrian is Ishgardian noble born.

He was raised as a Knight from a young age and eventually became a Dragoon.

He was married and lost his wife and newborn son to the Dravanian horde. 

Sydrian disappeared in a craze for revenge on the Dravanian horde for many years.

He came back and fell in with a Xaela tribe.

Drama happened and he fell away from it. (All IC)

Sydrian went off to fight the Empire where he earned a reputation and eventually was presumed dead.


Now I'm back again, looking to get Sydrian back involved with the Xaela tribes. He's a Hyur Highlander, but his story is heavily influenced by the time he spent with the tribe he was with. He speaks fluent Xaelan and is aware of most of the tribes, but still wants to learn more. 


I kinda wanted to introduce him and put the feelers out there to try and get him back into it. Sydrian has never belonged anywhere else I feel but wants to feel the feeling of having a home amongst people again.


If you have any questions feel free to contact me in game or ask here! Thanks so much!

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