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Looking for a few good bad guys[Balmung]

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"I'm bad and that's good, I will never be good and that's not bad..."


Pretty self explanatory with title but I am looking for one person willing to play a bad guy for a plot I'm working on. The plot is not in full swing yet but I feel it's best to line up my ducks in a row first so I can hash it out with whoever decides to take the role. I would play it myself but since my character would be heavily involved in guiding the plot it makes it hard to take on the role without dual boxing.


As a note, it goes without saying but this will more likely than not require a new character and player should accept that this will statistically not end well for said character.


That being said below I included additional info:


-nothing NC 17 but as this plot is due to contain mature content it is respectfully requested that only mature experienced players respond.


-Nothing drama. Will require some coordination which needs a lot of communication, this can be complex enough without bringing baggage in with it.


-Evening availability is requested, even better if Thurs and Fridays are open.


-Character in mind is a red headed male hyur warrior type in mid to late 40's


-  character has redeeming traits or at least in the past has been known to be a good person. While this may currently not reflect the role I state this fact so it's aware I'm not looking for a cartoon Saturday morning evil, just someone who might have gone the wrong way at some point.


If you are interested please let me know. We can talk and plot and hopefully we can make something awesome to be enjoyed.

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This is actually pretty interesting to me, but I've currently been too overwhelmed with work to actually get back in game and I also don't have a character on Balmung, so there's nothing I can really do to help right now. But, if you'd want to talk about it and nobody else steps up to take up the request, just message me and I will see what I can do.


I wish you luck regardless!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Altering major plot points and making adjustments to better suit others,  so this is part repost part bump.


Bad guy must be available 8 PM PST with latest going til 9 or 10 PST or wider availability on Thurs and Friday 2 PST  til 10 PST. 


Must be able to work with Garlean or at least accept contracts from them.


You can be as decent or evil as you want just.... Nothing over the top.


I tend to work closely with lore to reason so please keep in mind, also prefer brawn to magic but I'm open to either. \o/


Please let me know in replys or PM. Initial plot is still in planning stages, likely will occur in summer or fall so please keep in mind and thank you for your consideration!

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