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Greetings from Mateus


On site I have an FC Tradepost led by a strongly traditional Xaelan female, right down to her strong dislike of the Raen. And... borderline zenophobic.


That said, she is looking to raise, house and train other wayward people of the tribe, regardless of their sect as long as they are willing to work cooperatively.


What this would mean for you, the player, is that you would have a group to run and explore new and cureent content, as well as a nourishing backing and constant endgame progression.


As for your character/persona, while not all RP takes place in the FC itself, there is a foundation for you to grow from, personal development, and a thriving external rp community. [ There is an RP LS we use for events and general craziness that takes place. ]


Feel free to PM if interested or if you have questions. I'd be happy to answer them.

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