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A Brand New Chapter!


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Hi guys! My name is Spencer, or Phobias for my gamer handle and I just got Final Fantasy woot! I've played many of the other Final Fantasy games but I've been doing nothing in terms of MMO's besides WoW and well my good friend let me play on his account to see if I'd like FFXIV and whoa was I hooked instantly!


I'm trying desperately to get onto the Balmung server but thus far I've had no luck. Anywho, I can't wait to get online and start introducing my character.


He's a very young Elezen who was raised by his mother only as his father was killed during a raid on their forest. His mother, a talented medical aether user and surgeon passed on her skills to Perceval who when he came to the age of 16 was sent to the city of Ul'dah to represent his community of the Wildwood Elves and to learn more of Magic that flowed through his veins.


In terms of personality he can -easily- be manipulated as this is his first time in a large city and he naturally wants to make friend with everyone. He is very happy-go-lucky and sees the best in everyone and will defend those he deems friend to the death if need be. With his background as a user of Medicine he has a tendency to go and help those that need it despite the consequences, and Percey as his family called him has no qualms about working on criminals or unsavory types. If they need help, they need help.


He -IS- looking for a mentor to teach him more about Magic and Medicine so if you're interested in showing a new person around the world and the server PLEASE message me. In fact if anyone wants to develop a story with Percey please let me know, I'd love to get to know some of you guys before I log in.

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Hello and welcome to the RPC! :D


I know Balmung is extremely hard to get into but you can also pay for a transfer. It's 18 dollars american but it's very much worth the cost for how much enjoyment you'd get out of the server if you're very into roleplaying and you transfer a full roster of 8 in one go. If you get over here or maybe want to stay where you are you should try to make a making connections post when your ready to start and are on your server for choice.


Good luck on your adventures! Let me know if there's anything you need help with!

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Hey there, and welcome aboard the RPC and to your imending transfer to Balmung! :thumbsup:


If you're looking for specific connections, creating a Making Connections post would be a great way to start! That'd be a good place to go if you're looking to shoot off into a particular direction (such as criminal rings, mercenary bands, vigilante groups and so on).

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