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[Balmung] Looking to Dive into this wonderful game.

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Thanks to some awesome people who directed me to this sub-forum I have come to the right place to find a mentor/helper in my journey of Final Fantasy. I'm BRAND new to the game and have literally no idea what I'm doing but I do know the basics of MMO's since I'm moving over from WoW. I'm hoping to find a FC member or non FC character interested in taking an Apprentice/Stray in and helping me progress in the game ICly -and- OOCly.


A little bit about me, I'm 16 almost 17 and I'm a huge music nerd. I'm studying in High School but I'm taking college classes at the moment for Emergency Medical Science systems. My goal is to graduate and then go to University to get a nursing or continue with EMS. I love writing, and I love the final fantasy genre in general so I'm a bit angry at myself for being so late to this.


But, enough about me! Time for you to meet Perceval, or Percey as he lets close friends call him. Percey is a young and fresh Elezen sent from his Wildwood Elven community to the city of Ul'dah. Percey is only 17 years old but has been taught quite a bit from his mother who was widowed 6 years ago when Percey's father was killed in a raid on their community. Dominique taught her son her craft of medicine and healing Aether but while his training in the physical healing was impressive for one his age, the magical side was lacking quite heavily.


Percey can -easily- be manipulated as this is his first time in a large city and he naturally wants to make friend with everyone. He is very happy-go-lucky and sees the best in everyone and will defend those he deems friend to the death if need be. With his background as a user of Medicine he has a tendency to go and help those that need it despite the consequences, and Percey as his family called him has no qualms about working on criminals or unsavory types. If they need help, they need help.

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Hi Percey! First of all, you are at an exciting part of life and I like that you are mixing your real life love with your character concept here -- that always makes for fun and interesting roleplay.


Secondly, welcome to the game! You won't be disappointed with FFXIV. Take it slow and enjoy the love letter to the entire series this game is! Feel free to add me in game and ask me anything on your journey!


Percey's story of coming to Ul'dah is one that I always have a soft spot for as that was how I began the journey of my own character, C'io. Ul'dah is not a kind place to newcomers, as you will find out more as you play through the story of the game. It is still a beautiful place, one with the potential to affect so much hope to those who need it most.


While she is not a practitioner of medicine or even of conjury, I can offer you C'io as a sort-of mentor in regards to surviving the Ul'dah with your ideals still intact. She came to the city without much to her name, and avoided some of its more terrible pitfalls by taking on the most difficult and physically punishing jobs before getting lucky and landing her most stable employment as a mail courier and later as a full fledged adventurer. She is a little awkward to start with social situations as she is used to life on the road alone most, but she's trying to reach out and be friendly to more people. She even has a friend now with whom she reminisces the difficulty of those first days in the city, and believes in helping refugees and newcomers when she can.


She is starting up a new Free Company to do with the research, application, and teaching of knowledge at something of a post-graduate level, but it is really small and very start up at the moment. It may be possible that Percey also looks there for mentorship or just a place to do his studies safely. If that is interesting to you, even if you are already in another FC, you are most certainly welcome! (See The Guiding Light in my signature; it's super new.)


It also sounds like, to get the most out of your Ul'dah experience, that you'll want Percey to encounter its lows. For that I definitely recommend touching base with Mischief's Coven through Kasi and Liliro! They can really help coordinate with you run ins and plot lines to do with the criminal element and other FCs. Plus they're really cool people to boot! I recommend having a lot of OOC mentors, haha.


Other than that, look at the other posts in this subforum. There was a drug addict who posted recently who is also situated in Ul'dah -- a possible link for you?


Anyway, that's already off topic. Again, welcome to the game! I look forward to seeing you in Ul'dah and helping you enjoy FFXIV as I can, barring timezone shenanigans!

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Pst. Hey. Hey you. Yeah, you. I got what you need! 



If you're interested in diving into the criminal underground and making some gil, well... I might know some people (spoiler: go to Lavender Beds, Ward 12, Plot 50- order a bloody mary and your descent begins). Granted, the Coven primarily operates out of Gridania, but you don't need to join the FC to participate. Otherwise, I think C'io should be able to get you taken care of pretty well, myself!

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Thanks to some awesome people who directed me to this sub-forum I have come to the right place to find a mentor/helper in my journey of Final Fantasy. I'm BRAND new to the game and have literally no idea what I'm doing but I do know the basics of MMO's since I'm moving over from WoW. I'm hoping to find a FC member or non FC character interested in taking an Apprentice/Stray in and helping me progress in the game ICly -and- OOCly.


A little bit about me, I'm 16 almost 17 and I'm a huge music nerd. I'm studying in High School but I'm taking college classes at the moment for Emergency Medical Science systems. My goal is to graduate and then go to University to get a nursing or continue with EMS. I love writing, and I love the final fantasy genre in general so I'm a bit angry at myself for being so late to this.


But, enough about me! Time for you to meet Perceval, or Percey as he lets close friends call him. Percey is a young and fresh Elezen sent from his Wildwood Elven community to the city of Ul'dah. Percey is only 17 years old but has been taught quite a bit from his mother who was widowed 6 years ago when Percey's father was killed in a raid on their community. Dominique taught her son her craft of medicine and healing Aether but while his training in the physical healing was impressive for one his age, the magical side was lacking quite heavily.


Percey can -easily- be manipulated as this is his first time in a large city and he naturally wants to make friend with everyone. He is very happy-go-lucky and sees the best in everyone and will defend those he deems friend to the death if need be. With his background as a user of Medicine he has a tendency to go and help those that need it despite the consequences, and Percey as his family called him has no qualms about working on criminals or unsavory types. If they need help, they need help.

Love to invite you to be apart of the Garden of Eorzea RP - we have a lot of people that are apart of the Garden that are not actually apart of our in game guild itself, and membership is not a requirement to be involved. If you love roleplay, writing stories, and you fancy medicine, then the Infirmary at the Garden would be a great place to seek roleplay, and perhaps other opportunities depending on where you feel your character is headed. Feel free to hit me up in game, Haydyn Greyheart. Garden of Eorzea is based on the Gardens and SeeD of the FFVIII universe with an FFXIV Eorzean Lore Friendly Storyline. We look forward to seeing you get involved as a friend, acquaintance, or otherwise!

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