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Miqo'te Summoner needing some "salt of the earth" perspective [Balming]

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So I have an FC and I'm super good with them and loving playing part. But... Tali'ra himself has been rather inward looking lately, taking into consideration some things that have been happening in Eorzea (ie. MSQ stuff with 3.5).


He himself has been rather naïve only having some idea of the going on in the realm (much like myself, still pretty new to things) and only now is starting to realize the weight of things in regards to Ishgard, Doma, and especially now Ala Mhigo.


For a little while, I think it would be good for him to travel along with someone (or a group of someones) who are a bit more down to earth in regards to how they live in the world. He feels like he's been so caught up in the thought of "helping the realm" that he really has no idea how to relate with people on a smaller scale.


Sooooo I guess that's what I see him needing about now. Name is "Tali'ra Ilucien" on Balmung, though a reply here or PM would work as well. Pretty much game to play with anyone who doesn't mind a bit of character building.

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Hey there!


So, I can offer to throw Kasi your way for starters; she's a wandering mercenary, trader, merchant, and occasional bartender these days, so she can show up just about anywhere on the road. She's pretty severely pro-Miqo'te as well; there's not much she won't do to help out people she considers to be kin. She's also fairly pragmatic, and of course has some criminal connections as well.


Beyond that, there's also the ShroudLife linkshell, which is for wandering wilderness RP- basically anything outside of the main towns. I imagine you could find a lot of freelance people here to interact with, and you're certainly welcome to it! 


Both of these are linked below! 


Hope this helps!

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I am here because of the words Miqo'te Summoner, >_>.


But I am guilty of being the opposite of what you are asking for, although perhaps with a little dash of salt. Hear me out!


Before C'io fulfilled the requirements to even being aware of her capacity for Summoning, she was a tribal monster hunter-type miqo'te who had traveled to Ul'dah chasing stories of the valiant Warriors of Light and was instead faced with some of the worst facets of a city whose primary obsession is coin. She worked jobs of heavy labour to avoid more compromising employment, and still performs all manner of simple tasks because she understands the value of small gestures -- especially after working and living among Ala Mhigans, whom she tried to help but ultimately could not beyond day-to-day subsistence. She had to learn that the problems between Ul'dah and its refugees were too far beyond one person to alleviate, and re-calibrated to simply touch what lives she could. Sometimes, that feeling still drowns her in helplessness, though not as often as it used to.


These are experiences C'io can use to help Tali'ra figure the balance between his own ideals and capabilities. Plus I'm pretty interested in having her interact with another summoner, if you're up for that, :D.

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Kazukata might also be able to lend some help, though he may be the opposite of what you're looking for. Kazukata is very much a "help the realm" type guy, but he's got enough experience and heartbreak under his belt that he goes about it more calmly. He doesn't go around whacking primals, but he does try to do what good he can wherever he can. Also, Doman, lost just about everybody he ever knew, could probably bring the full weight of the world's cruelty home to Tali'ra without turning him into a complete nihilist, though he wouldn't share it too quickly. I don't know if it's the direction you want your character to go, but he'd probably try to nurture Tali'ra's heroic spirit while prepping him for all the dangers and horrors that come with the job.

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