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Role Players on Cerberus found!

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So recently I did some looking around on the internet and like I thought I found very little in the terms of rping on Cerberus, so I took it into my own hands!!

I've recently been going round to heavily populated areas and using /shout to send a message to all players letting them know to /tell me if interested and I'll invite them to the linkshell! 

So far I found twelve others! (13 including myself) which are always active and ready to RP! 

So if you're interested and on Cerberus just pop your name in the comments and I'll invite you to the linkshell! 

I'm bringing RP back to Cerberus!!

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If there's RP going on in the EU realms, I'm all for it! I only have one character on Cerberus but it's a copy of one of my current RP characters so there are no problems there (even better she's at lvl 50 so once I power through to HW I can get her the class I want her to be!)!


If you see Ehmra Elldi around Cerberus, throw me an invite to the LS! We'll make an RP realm out of it yet. :D

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If there's RP going on in the EU realms, I'm all for it! I only have one character on Cerberus but it's a copy of one of my current RP characters so there are no problems there (even better she's at lvl 50 so once I power through to HW I can get her the class I want her to be!)!


If you see Ehmra Elldi around Cerberus, throw me an invite to the LS! We'll make an RP realm out of it yet. :D


Just wanted to make sure I have invited you to the linkshell for the RP! If I have I'll be home by 11pm tonight so we can RP then if you'd like ^^

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey guys!! 

I'm really glad a lot of you have found this page! If you're still looking to RP then make sure you add me in-game! The times I'll be online will be before 2pm and after 10pm and Tuesdays and Saturdays I'll be on most of the day depending on what I'm doing. 

If you're interested still add me (Rai Dragneel) and we can sort some RP stuff out ^^ 

My FC is also looking for new members which will also include Rpers

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  • 4 weeks later...

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