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[Balmung] Musical Theater Class! Wednesday @9pm Est/6pm Pst [Weekly]

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[align=center]Do you have music in your heart and a need to express it before the world? Is there an ache in your soul to dawn the stage and act out your favorite song with excitable gestures and a flourish of dance moves never seen by your friends, families and foes?  Well now’s your chance to learn how!  [/align]

[align=center]Come on down to the Isles of Paradise where the gorgeous and enchanting Vaughn Antain will dazzle you with not only experience beyond the very rays of the sun’s reach but entice you into bliss with a single glance.  [/align]


[align=center]Musical Theater - Do you have a song in your heart, and can’t find a way to let it out? Have you ever looked upon the myriad of dancers and singers and wanted to know the secrets of the stage?[/align]

[align=center]Musical Theater is about giving students the tools to express and perform through music and dance. They will learn about the different styles of music, it’s history, and applications. At the end of each moon, students are encouraged to create and perform a musical number for the class. - Vaughn Antain[/align]


[align=center]- Poetry and Drama is recommended, but not required.



[align=center]Interested yet? Well you should be!  Be there April 12 @ 9pm Est/6pm for the first class![/align]

[align=center]We look forward to seeing you all![/align]

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