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LF Connection(s) for GMT+10 timezone

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Hi all,


Just putting this out there in case anything comes of it. I find that a lot of the time when I've got the hankering to RP, the server is a bit too quiet to facilitate. My timezone is GMT +10 (east coast Australia) which can make things a bit tricky.


Ideally looking for a long-term connection so that a solid story can develop, but I'll mostly take whatever comes my way.


Wiki profile for further character information.


The profile is a work in progress so if there are any further questions about the character (or anything else) feel free to ask them here or in a private message, or even in-game. 



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I just want to throw in that Rhaya'li is super fantastic both as a player and as a character. He has strong ideas on the storylines he wishes to pursue and works hard to actualise them both in networking with others and in facilitating adventures related to his character's goals. Don't let Rhaya'li's IC prickliness fool you; here is roleplay of the highest calibre, sadly sequestered to an abominable (for our purposes) timezone.


Also, I'd be more than happy to add myself (as GMT+8) to busybody in on any additional connection Rhaya'li manages to snag here!

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Hi there~


I just wanted to drop a note in saying that since I work weird US hours I am most often around between 11AM to 3AM your time and am similarly in an awkward sleepy hour when I am considering getting over my initial shyness and trying some walk-up RP. Feel free to msg me in game on either of my characters (Dejah, profile mostly shaped up, Nayantai, still a WIP) or pm me. :3

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