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Aelfred, Son of Sigmund

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Aelfred, Son of Siegmund, Son of Saigath.


Burly man-bear of many cigars and many emptied bottles of meads. 


Looking for story or a place to crash (repeated rp at X location) to help exercise the ol' rp wings again.


Extra sensitive, sjw's, white knights, ERP hounds, and all other triggerable folk need not apply.


Ping this post or me if you need a good ol' burly mix of 007 and Conan the Barbarian for laughs or good hearty conversation or some action. D100 or emote combat, the latter preferred.



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Can confirm the Son of Sigmund is a fun guy to know.




Buyer beware!: Aelfred may inadvertently drag you into bar fights you don't want to be a part of!


I'm kidding, obviously, but Aelfred still owes a certain "angel" a proper duel for insulting his martial prowess.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can confirm the Son of Sigmund is a fun guy to know.




Buyer beware!: Aelfred may inadvertently drag you into bar fights you don't want to be a part of!


I'm kidding, obviously, but Aelfred still owes a certain "angel" a proper duel for insulting his martial prowess.

You're funny Mister Bell. Indeed Ael napped off when he was due for a fight. You might get a second chance again sooner than you'd think!

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