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I. Basic Info 


  • Characters:Epe Tatawopi
  • Primary character:Epe Tatawopi, miqo'te keeper. 
  • Linkshells:Unsure
  • Primary RP linkshell:None yet.



II. RP Style 


  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):

  • Heavy/Immersive
  • Views on RP combat and injuries:

  • Dice or freeform, injuries stick and go through a normal healing period. Realistic.
  • Views on IC romance:

  • Enjoy it, it can make or break a character in a lot of ways.
  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):

  • Can and would play as a brother to anyone.
  • Views on lore:

  • Lore friendly really, but not keen on stagnating, much prefer to continue to adapt, and create lore, rather than stagnate and never develop.
  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):

  • /Say is a must for rp, more private stuff goes into a group or tell's. Can and will use any and all formats to rp.



III. Other Info 

  • Country:Scotland
  • Timezone:GMT+/- 0
  • Contact info:Here on the forums, ingame




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