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I am Acistian. 


 I am the linkshell leader for Regalius.


I've been playing MMORPGS since I was thirteen, my first being WoW (blarg).

I have played:


Perfect World

Old school text based mmos

Runes of Magic


Guild Wars 2

Final Fantasy XI

And many more...


I have just about Rp'ed in every mmo on that list besides FFXI, due to low population of the quezacotl server, and it was where most of my friends had resided,  who were not really interested in RP at the time.

As far as RP, I usually like causal to medium RP. 


Regalius would be my second "guild", but my first had lasted three and a half years before I had left WoW.  Within other guilds, I seem to be always promoted as an officer, but I only enjoy it because I get to help others out and provide to my "community." I just enjoy assisting, providing ideas, and just attempt to provide a better, overall, welcoming place for gamers to enjoy themselves and have fun.


Admitting, this would be my first coalition hub to truly interact with as far as having a community of my own, but I am not afraid to as questions if I need them. We were all new to something at one time. 

I was introduced to this community through Empyrean Divine's FFXIV leader Fran.


For myself, I am currently twenty years of age, and married to a wonderful husband. (Yes, I am a woman, and I hope that does not affect how you see myself or my community.)


I've been a gamer since I was four, and my first platform was an Atari Jaguar, which from then I moved onto the SNES, to a computer, N64, Xbox, Xbox 360, and finally still a computer and a PS3.

I love to draw, even though I have no professional training, or professional equipment and programs. Just a 30$ tablet, gimp, and pencil and paper.


I suppose if your curious, I have one on my latest drawing concepts in the works that I can share:

Recent concept bust

Gauntlet and Greave


Anyways, thank you kindly for reading a little bit about me, and I hope that we will get to know each other in the future.

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Well, I had meant as in a leadership role. ^_^


Though, quite honestly, I am a bit nervous about being new to a coalition site, and attempting to get involved within it. I was an ambassador at one time for this sort of thing for another group, but seeing as I'm representing myself, it is a larger step and I am not quite use to at the moment, but always keep moving forward, even if a challenge is daunting.


Anyways, that you kindly for the welcomes, and they are greatly appreciated. :moogle:

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Welcome. :) Lots of married ladies (represent) here, no worries.


Don't be intimidated. We're more of an unstructured mass of people who like to RP than anything scary.

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