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Former Dancer & Fledgling Apothecary Seeks Various Contacts and Connections!

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A slightly off tune hum was upon her lips as she perused a worn leather journal in her hands. The Au Ra had claimed one of the few wooden benches in Ul'dah and had her legs extended outwards in some vain attempt to cool down. At least the shadow of the nearby building fell over her figure, although even that clearly didn't save her from the stifling dry heat. A few beads of sweat marred her brow as her pooled blue eyes were a tad narrowed in contemplation. The sound of scuffed footsteps broke whatever reverie the Raen had been in however and quickly she sat up straighter in her seat.


“Ah, hello there.” Any surprise upon her features washed away into a practiced smile as she canted her head a bit to the side curiously.






Greetings! I'm looking to make some wonderful connections and interactions for my character, Mana. I am very excited to get involved in the RP-side of Balmung, as I'm an avid Rper myself in several other games and mediums. I just finished putting together a Wiki for her, figuring it would help boost things along so feel free to take a gander to get a more detailed idea. (Otherwise just keep reading for a summary!)


[align=center]Mana Mizu's Wiki[/align]


Mana is an Au Ra Raen who grew up away from Othard due to unfortunate events. She was adopted by a Hyuran merchant from Vylbrand and spent most of her early life traveling along with him and his crew. Later, misfortune fell upon her that left her penniless, which eventually led to her hobby becoming her primary occupation as an exotic dancer (and in many ways, as convoluted as that life is, a companion at times.) She ran into her fair share of troubles and dangers during that time, but recently fled the scene to Thanalan. She then created a new last name in hopes to start a more “grounded” and “fresh” life.


She currently resides near Ul'dah and is coping with the desert heat and locale. While she isn't a fighter or versed in the magical arts, Mana is attempting to find a new promising hobby to make ends meet. Of course, even with all the good intentions in the world, things don't always go according to plan!


With that tidbit aside, I'm up for all sorts of contacts and connections. They could be a tie in stemming from her past or as simple as walking into each other along the street. Such interactions could be long-term, casual chance happenings, etc!  Some samples or ideas:

  • Friends/acquaintances she made on her travels when she was younger.
  • Friendly merchants/business individuals from Ul'dah in her small shopping endeavors
  • Former clients from her exotic dancing and/or status as a companion
  • Former ship crewman who used to work for her father.
  • Loan sharks, mercenaries, etc she owes money from her “past life” (Hired debt collectors work too!)
  • Enemies or deemed “unsavory” types that she could have gotten involved in, as Mana sometimes helped smuggle or walked a very fine line on legalities as she occasionally tiptoed with both the law and lawbreakers.
  • New clients who might have bought some of her lowly potions or salves that she's learning to make. They would be cheap and perfect for those unable to afford crafted elixirs made by a professional.
  • Potential romance. I'm not into forcing such things, but Mana is single and I am always open to such possibilities if two characters hit off.
  • AND MORE! (I'm very open to ideas both in light-hearted and darker themes, so these are just random starters off the top of my head.)


If there's more you'd like to know or discuss, feel free to post here or contact me. I'm in EST time and I tend to be on in the late afternoons to late evenings. I also have Discord which I'd happily share with anyone interested, just contact me here, via PM or in-game!

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Well depending on how far out of her way she goes, she might have heard of my Xaela - Stroud Forscythe; He moonlights as a courtier and is a stage entertainer in the city. Coinciding with that he also finances and maintains a budding criminal enterprise, which always demands more bodies to be tugged along on (un)willing strings. 


If that's not your speed, he's the benefactor and co-owner of Orchid 317; A hookah bar and lounge located in the mists (Ward 12, Plot 40) with more than it's share of colorful folk ranging from the (frightfully) maternal Eshea Tende, and the ingenious Percival Derolo. The perfect place to take a load off after a long day's troubles.

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Mana is an Au Ra Raen who grew up away from Othard due to unfortunate events.


Her and Kanako have something in common! Kanako came to Eorzea when she was only 2 years old after the trade routes opened between Othard and Eorzea. While Kanako came over under more fortunate circumstances, I'm sure the two can relate in some aspects.



[*]Friendly merchants/business individuals from Ul'dah in her small shopping endeavors






Kanako was part of the merchant life for a good two years or so of her life and travelled quite a bit to make some deals. She isn't a merchant anymore though.


I feel like Kanako and Mana would get along rather well! If you want to read a little more about her, just check out her wiki (linked in signature). If you find yourself interested, then feel free to send a PM my way and hopefully we can work something out! ^_^

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Nick is a doctor and a mage, but he also has done some shady stuff. He likes support green-people in the medicinal field and offering support and advice (though he won't openly admit it). 


He could have definitely shopped for her, or, find out about her apothecary business.

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Hi! I think my character and yours could do some business when it comes to the apothecary. He's into some fairly shady stuff and could probably use her services. I'll try and get a hold of you in game or elsewhere and see if we can set up a time to meet if you're interested!

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Ah!! Thank you so much for the replies and interest! I really appreciate it and look forward to possible RP!



    Oh this would be lovely! I'll check out the wiki and send you a PM in the near future. Definitely would be nice for Mana to have someone who can perhaps relate to the "I'm from Othard but not really an Othardan" bit!  (Othardan? Othardian?) 



@Nicholas Graveshire

That sounds great! She could definitely use some advice from a doctor (or even a mage's) perspective on what kind of potions or salves to design or what might be in high demand for the medicinal practices. She often goes out into Ul'dah and simply puts her wares out on a blanket near the street, so it'd be easy to stumble across her.  Although I tend to RP that she gets lost in the sea of people/markets that I imagine plague Ul'dah a bit. xD 


I can try to find you in-game or we can arrange something in a PM if you'd like too! 


@Kaito Hamada

Huzzah for clients! I'm curious to how such interactions could go for certain. Feel free to try to nab me in-game (I'm usually on in late afternoons into the evenings) and if it doesn't seem to work, can always arrange something in PM!  Silly FF only letting us add people while we're online... -shakes fist- 


Also welcome to RPC! : D

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