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Seeking Connections for Characters

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With the coming of Stormblood I have decided that it is once again time for me to try and increase my circle of friends to RP with once more. As always I have met some interesting characters to interact with, and have even established some lasting connections throughout of search for people to role play with. Unfortunately, with SE changes to the servers I have lost a few friends for a number of reasons, either from new found lag from the servers moving, and the inability to play with other friends on other servers, among other reasons that may have nothing to do with the game entirely (Some decided to try out other games). I am pretty much looking for anything to be honest, Rping LS, people to run things with oocly etc. 



I am in the EST timezone, and I am mostly on and available during the afternoon to evenings and so on. Mainly due to the fact I have a free schedule at the moment. With that said, I shall get to introducing my characters. Mind you all of my characters are mostly Adventurers, Monster Hunters, Sellswords/Freelancers.




[align=center]Barulatai Malaguld[/align]





[align=center]Barulatai, or Barul as he sometimes allow people to call him, is a Xeala who comes from the Malaguld tribe. After an hunting accident in which he had lost a close friend who had been like a brother to him, Barul left his tribe and homeland in order to escape the shame as he as he felt responsible for the death of his kin. Since leaving Othard Barul has started a new life in Eorzea, worked on trying to get a better understanding of the people who lives in this foreign land. In order to pay for his travels around the realm Barul has taken up being both and adventurer and a sellsword, and even does a few odd jobs so long as the pay is worth it.    [/align]




[align=center]Kaiden Fortessa[/align]



[align=center]Kaiden is of mixed blood, being half Elezen and half Hyuran. With his physical appearance being that of a midlander a bit with small pointed Elezen ears (Think Hilda, if you would). His family hails from Ishgard but after falsely being branded as Heretics during the time of the Dragonsong war, and the murder of a member of another noble family, they fled and relocated to Gridania. For most of his childhood Kaiden believed himself to be from Gridania, and as such he has accepted the teachings of the Gridanian people. It was not until he had reached adulthood that he had been told of his real place of birth, his parents homeland. In order to learn more about the realm in which he lives, he had been traveling the land experiencing new things and seeing interesting places, he has been working as a Adventurer and Sellsword. Over last few moons he has been accepted into a Keeper of the Moon tribe, and has since sought to learn the ways of Menphina.[/align]


[align=center]Daurion Vaulgard[/align]




[align=center]Daurion is a young man who once lived in Othard, born to a Doman mother and a Garlean father.  He once went by the name of Delvantis Calphayus, but changed his name shortly after he fled Othard to come to Eorzea. During his time in his homeland he had been conscripted as teen along with a few of his friends and others of his home town. While in a Garlean academy he had been taught everything he needed to know in order to serve the Empire. When he was released from the academy he was immediately recruited into a survey corp. After four years of serving, Daurion's learned of his father's and a small band of Garleans plans to help the people of his home town escape the Empire by means of sea. A childhood friend of Daurion's also learned of this and reported to his superiors, and a fight ensued. While some had managed to escape others were either killed or captured. Upon arriving in Eorzea those who did escape lived as refugees and nomads. Taking what he learned Daurion became an adventurer and sellsword.[/align]





[align=center]I also have a Miqo'te by the name of Sairen Lunaris is half Seeker of the Sun, and Keeper of the Moon. He is of a group of Miqo'te who once belong to the Wolf (Wah) tribe, but had broken off from the main tribe to create a new way of life for themselves. This group of Miqo'te had merged with a small band of Keepers whom have been of like mind. The two different clans had taken what they wanted from their original traditions and attempted to merge it into one of their liking. After the Calamity Sairen's village was attacked by Amalj'aa and the people were either slain or abducted. After having spent many days hunting the tempered Amalj'aa, and coping with the lost of his people, as well as looking for his sister, Sairen has been traveling the realm, doing work as a monster hunter, and an adventurer.[/align]


[align=center]If any of these characters interest feel free to PM here, there is a chance that we can work something out or even plan something. You can also shoot me a tell ingame, whichever one is best for you! Naturally, I am an open minded person and I'm up for anything that may prove to be fun and interesting. As the title of the thread says, I am seeking all kinds of connections for my characters.  friends, rivals, acquaintances, antagonist, etc. I check the site often, so it might be quicker to shoot me a pm, or just leave any details about your character, and I will contact you ingame.[/align]

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