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Thavnairian Lass looking for Azim Steppe guide(Romance options also available)

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Niobe is a midlander who spends much of her time around Beast Tribes. She is keen on looking into cultural differences. While Au Ra clearly aren't beast tribes, she is still very much interested in learning more of their culture. She is intending on venturing to Doma and doing what she can to help whoever she can. But she is prone to getting lost and in trouble quite often. What I'm seeking is someone to help teach her culture, maybe have her back, and guide her through lands unknown to her. Looking to be long term!


She has delved in darker themes, and I am definitely open to them within reason. She has had a past as a shady apothecary, courtesan, and information brokering. While she's in a better setting now, it isn't unlikely that she would consider delving in old habits.


On the topic of romance, Niobe is open with her sexuality. We can definitely discuss options and opportunities. Though she is a bit preferential. Due to a traumatic experience with a male Au Ra that nearly killed her, she is a bit slower to the take with the males. Females, on the other hand, are somewhat entrancing to her. She will be easier to open up to one over there other.


Message me on here or pst Niobe Ondine for inquiries! (Note: my wiki is rather outdated, and there have been a lot of tweaks and retcons. So it isn't a reliable source at present, I apologize.)

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