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Maelstrom Diplomat Looking for Connections!

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Moriko Kimura is a seeker of the sun miqo'te whom works for the Maelstrom as a diplomat, but her job is a little different than what you might imagine. Her work focuses entirely on beast tribes and helping to repair the relationships between the friendly tribes and the humanoid races of Eorzea. As her employment falls under the Maelstrom, she spends the most time with the Sahagin and the Kobolds, though she's no stranger to the other tribes of the world.


Aside from her diplomatic work, Moriko is also affiliated with a group called the 'Ruin Explorers' - a ragtag band of adventurers that love treasure and love finding it even more. It's not unusual for her to stop and grab things that catch her eye on long trips so that she may bring it home and store it in the shared vault.


Moriko travels quite often, given the nature of her work, and while her husband does accompany her on many journeys, it's always nice to bump into others along the way. It'd be nice for her to meet new friends sometime!


I'm in the EST timezone and evenings are generally the best times when I'm available. While I can swing RP in game I think I'd probably prefer out of game RP in like Discord or something similar. But yeah I think that about sums things up!

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