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New to Balmung looking for romantic and mercenary roleplays! Also friends ^-^

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Hiyori Misa







* Murder


* Thieving


* Mercenary work



* Au Ra & Miqote men and women.



*Intense romance









*Posessive people


*Violence towards those undeserving


*Dishonesty and being unfaithful









Hiyori lost her life when she was only 7 years old. She did not die, no. Howe Ey what happened made her wish for death everyday Hiyori's father was a merchant in gridania who thought he could trick the mercenaries into carrying out a job without him having to pay them. He evaded them but over time they showed their power more and more. Normally the amber blades only needed to take out one target. But the man was such a coward they couldn't find him. Until one night one of the perched rogue mercenaries saw him exit through the basement of their house. The door he had masqueraded into a fixture on the house. The blade jumped down from his post and approached the coward. "You think that you can just run from us? We ARE everywhere. Now pay or I take your pathetic life" he spoke with no remorse to Hiyori's father. So as a coward does he scrambled through his house to find anything of worth however they were almost poor. So instead he grabbed Hiyori by her arm and began to drag her outside. Her mother standing by watching more fearful for her own life versus her child's. "Take her as payment. Do what you will." He said with a heartless tone and like that he released his daughter into the hands of the most vile and dangerous men in Eorzea.


Hiyori screamed as loud as she could and eventually was punched so hard in the side of her head she lost consciousness. When she gained consciousnesses again she wished she hadn't. The men claimed her as their property and stole her innocence from her in every conceivable way. She lost hope and fell into darkness. She was not of age to fight or carry out jobs and each day waiting to age just enough so that she could escape. So that it would all stop.


Finally the day came. Finally she was handed a weapon. Certain men in the blades still held honor, some tried to protect Hiyori. They were the last men she had decided to leave amongst the shroud circuit of the blqdea. Her first kill of course were her coward toxic parents. She had realized in the moment of their death that she had finally broken. She felt joy being covered in their blood painting with it on the floors laughing like something straight from hell.

When she arose she decided to begin picking off each man in her own sadistic way in the shroud clan. Through so many murders and so many cruel torture methods that she had used she slowly became moe of an alpha amongst them. After time the men stayed away because she would kill them. She watched them in combat from the day they took her and she watched every trick and turn so that when it was time to fight. She could win no matter what her size.


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Welcome to Balmung :D


Isky is a hunter and spear for hire who is out exploring the wider world now that she's left the north. If you're up for some unexpected adventures and rp, Isky usually has time. Who knows what might happen if they bump into each other.

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