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Looking for some connections!

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Hello there! I figured I'd post around here again, though this time I'm looking for some connections for my character Bertrand Ahlbrecht. He's an older (semi) retired Knight. I say 'semi' because of story reasons, but those could be found out at another time! Either way, let's get to talking about the man himself!


Bertrand is a male Highlander, orphaned at a young age but taken in as a servant to the House Rochechouart. Finding himself to the North, he'd take to doing cleaning work around the House in Coerthas. He never aspired to be much until a fateful meeting with the Lord's son. Soon after he'd find himself squired under the House's flag and took to training hard and focusing on honing his own abilities. Around the age of twenty, he'd eventually find himself Knighted by the very Lord who he trusted and respected as a friend.


Taking to his duties for the long haul, he'd do what he was told and never questioned it. After many more years full of adventure and camaraderie, he would be entrusted with the former Knight-Commander's sword 'Maireachtáil' at the ripe old age of forty-three. Accepting the duties of one who took charge over a good deal of Knight's he soon found himself taking to squiring the new generation of brave warriors who would soon be protecting the lands in his stead.




Present time, he has found himself taking to traveling over the rest of Eorzea. Having not experienced it due to keeping to the Kingdom of Ishgard, he now searches for those he trained; those who betrayed his trust and their moral essences.




Taking up this one last duty himself, Bertrand wishes to see justice done.



((Bit of a condensed form of his story! Short and sweet!))



As for what I'm looking for RP wise, I am mostly up for anything with him. He isn't particularly searching for friendship but of course won't turn it away should it show.




Bertrand also offers advice and training to those who wish to learn the way of the sword, but he can be a strict teacher and at times a very harsh critic.


He's a good guy in a world mostly unknown to him, but perhaps finding people to join him on his travels will give him a much better view of the world then what he has been exposed to so far.




Thanks for reading! If any questions, feel free to PM me or find me in game!





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