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Moghearth <mogic> [Mateus]

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Do you believe in mogic? .. hm?  You heard me correctly.  While not many know of it or what it does, anyone has the ability to feel it, to discover it.  .. what?  Oh!  What is it, you ask?


I direct you to one Yuyume Yume, a Dunesfolk transplant who recently came here to Eorzea from Radz at Han with her twin and little sisters in tow.  You see, the girl is a bit of a clairvoyant and a bit of an oddball, and she recently made a discovery.  Something fascinating.  Something wonderful.  Something that had to be shared with the citizens of Eorzea before the next Umbral Era would destroy them all.  What's more, they needed the tools and know-how to defeat whatever it is that would come after them.


As you pass by this odd little lala, she gazes up at you and smiles a hazy smile.


"You look like a mogic user who needs a home~.. Maybe we can help each other~.." ♪


Still, what is mogic, you ask?  You will have to find out for yourself.


Moghearth is medium-RP FC (and linkshell) headed by the alchemist and generalist mage Yuyume Yume, a girl from Thavnair who mixes magic, alchemy and crafting to create small magical trinkets and strange potions. With being a magical (mages) collective at its core, the group will eventually find a home so that Yuyume's dream can come into fruition: build a magic workshop and inn, which serves as both an adventuring hub for those who need work (magical reagents don't just appear out of thin air!) and a place of work for crafters and non-combatants.


:moogle: TL;DR:  Magical collective meets Atelier/Recettear games, Job Board, etc :moogle:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Our first gathering met with great success! Yuyume hinted at her odd story: that the stars (or gods) told her to build a "mogical magical workshop and inn", and that they led her to the rest of the members of Moghearth. Once built, she'll have a clearer vision as to what's going on. Probably.


But first, her latest vision has found the house they need to build their foundations on. It.. may or may not be haunted though. Yuyume will soon assemble a group to investigate.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The assembled group meets with a "Mister Tia", who explains that the house has been empty for as long as he or his boss can remember. The area and house itself is incredibly dense with aether. Upon touching the handle, Rurula tells the group that she heard a voice asking if she belonged there.


The group "dismantles" the trap as they enter and meet two ghosts - a Dunesfolk lalafell named Kikira Kira and her quiet miqo'te assistant 'Peony' - who claim to be just two of the house's previous owners. Al Altan attempts to attack the former but only succeeds in learning about the heavy wards upon the house. Once the ghosts leave to "tell the others", Yume and Rurula explore the house and find some very old books and bottles downstairs. Yume and her two sisters move in straight away.

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  • 3 months later...
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