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Seeking game/lore mentor and companions!

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Salutations members of the RPC! Firstly, let me say this will be my third post ever here on these lovely forums, and it's going to follow the same pattern as my previous two. I've come to notice that every year (strangely around this frame of time) I try to get back into FF14. 


My previous attempts yielded small result, and while I am ever grateful to people who reached out to me, or that were kind enough to respond to my outreach, it never seemed to turn out into something I felt lasting enough to keep me into the game. I feel this is mostly due to my personal issues, but either way, I've come into the game multiple times now to enjoy it for a few months but never find a place to call home and root me down.


Anyway, that little intro aside, I'm here again and finding that Mateus is now an upcoming RP community (or rather an existing one that's growing rapidly?) and I'm taking a stab outside of my original Balmung character. My issue is that my actual time within the game is limited and sporadic. Over the past three years, I've been a part of the FF14 community for maybe, six months? My real knowledge of the game and of lore is quite lacking.


Honestly, I find the game to be rather massive and intimidating, so I'm hoping to find some willing souls to take me under their wing. Teach me the lore, the ropes of the game itself, help me with dungeons and introduce me to 14's RP. I recently made a new character on Mateus, an Elezen male named Erraux Lamont, and the only idea I have in mind for him is that I want to be involved with chocobo. I remember that they're native to Ishgard, or Dra... something, so I figured Elezen would go well with it. I'd be interested in being a part of anybody's RP ideas, whether it be as a sibling/retainer/whatever can be used to introduce me to the community or story more. I'm located in the US-EST, and my job's hours make my playtime a little random, but I'll be making an effort to be on whenever possible.


If this at all interests you, and you don't mind taking on my somewhat newbish self, please feel free to reach out here on the forum or on Discord at Halfway Decent#4369.

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