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[Balmung] Ishgardian Noble Highlander seeks connections!

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Hello there!


So I've just gotten to the stage where I've finished the MSQ and I'm comfortable enough that I can stay current with content that I can dive into RP all proper-like, feet first. That said, I've only got a tiny handful of people to roleplay with at the moment (but growing!), and I'd like to expand my social circles a bit! This is, hopefully, where you lovely folk come in.


So I've only got the one active character at the moment, the stylish fellow you see up top there - Aramaeus Varens. He's a Highlander, third-born son of a lesser Ishgardian noble house of little influence that live in relative isolation waaay up in the mountains of Coerthas. They have their hands in a number of interests, but their main venture is the breeding of various types of griffin, for show, war, and so forth. There are seven children, four boys and three girls. 


Aramaeus himself has a very strong fixation on manners and proper conduct, to the extent that he's quite likely to apologise most sincerely for troubling a healer by arriving on their doorstep and bleeding on their porch, with an arrow lodged in his lung. He has an enormous desire for information of practically any variety- Magical, magitech, historical, personal tidbits that can be used as leverage, etc. He's got quite the web of informants and connections as it is, but he's looking to expand. 


As far as personality goes, he's very...Well, the best word is cold, really. He's generally very aloof and cool in his mannerisms, though always polite and courteous. He speaks to most people on equal terms unless they give him reason to look upon them with disdain, and he very much doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve.


Combat wise, he's..Competent. He can give a respectable showing, but by no means is he anything exceptional. He dabbles in both martial pursuits and magical, though he excels at neither. This is something he's very much aware of, so he tends to avoid physical conflict when possible, or have others do the stabbing for him. 


I'm looking for just about anything for him, really. Contacts, close confidantes, distant relatives, rivals, enemies, off-and-on bodyguard types, etc. I do have a particular desire for someone to play the strong right hand for Aramaeus, a sort of trusted person that he knows can get things done and acts as his mailed fist, bodyguard, and so on. Bonus points if it's a badass lady type, but I'm not fussed. 


Feel free to come chitchat with me if you have something in mind or would like to get to know Aramaeus! I can be reached here, on tumblr ( 

here ), on Discord directly via Amondrask#8476, or on the little Discord server I've set up to collect RP contacts in one place, here!


Thank you for reading, and hoping to hear from you soon!

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Hey there! 


Based on his personality, I'll mention that if Aramaeus doesn't feel too keen about aristocratic oppression of the middle and lower classes, he would probably be able to find quite a bit of contacts and allies within the Veil (there is no actual need to join the FC- there is an IC linkshell and Discord available). The Veil is an underground organization advocating political reform and the dismantling of the aristocracy, and is made of up of people from both noble houses in Ishgard, Ul'dah, and even Garlemald. You can get into more details via the link in my signature if that sounds interesting at all!

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