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<Thief> FC looking for new members!

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There are rumors that a certain scruffy and prominent thief in Ul'dah has been seeking followers, or perhaps apprentices? Cohorts? Regardless of his purpose, when asked, he simply replies with a smile.


Truth travels slowly when rumors have wings of gold.


OOC Info


The Thorns of Ul'dah, , are a new Free Company seeking roleplayers for a tight-knit street gang/thief themed RP with a focus on sticking it to the man and shaking up the corruption of Ul’dah through not-so-legal means-- all while making a lot of ill-gotten gil, forging connections, and having each other’s backs. If your character loves creating mischief, stirring up trouble for the rich folks, snatching trinkets from over-priced merchant stalls and/or is in the market for folks to lend them a hand in a pinch, they may just fit right in!


We intend to host monthly DM’d roleplay events such as heists and cons, IC meetups in the gang’s swanky hideout, and a fair share of impromptu pop-up RP with an emphasis on para-RP and storytelling, centered around a US evening-based activity schedule! The FC’s focus is solely on roleplay, meaning there will not be any sort of PVE-related activities or dungeon nights, nor are we recruiting non-friend social members.


And yes, we have a FC house! It can be found in the Goblet (Ward 9, Plot 31) and will come with all the usual amenities: buffs on request, stables for your chocobos, private chambers for you do with what you wish, etc.




It’s worth noting that is all about the thrill of the heist, the spoils of the con, and the satisfaction that comes from a fat sack of Monetarist gil. , however, is not about murder, assassination, kidnapping, exploitation, unwarranted bloodshed, or torture. We’re not looking to commit violent crimes here (though brawls and the like will happen on occasion), and this is certainly not the mob. Please keep this in mind when deciding whether or not your character fits into one of the following roles!


Footpads (thieves) -- This includes pickpockets, burglars, and your run-of-the-mill thieves.


Highpads (muscle) -- These are the bruisers, the fighters, the people who are going to do the shakedowns and intimidations. Please note that characters in this role will be expected to do a little thieving just like everyone else.


Sharpers (brains) -- These are our con artists, grifters, and plotters. The folks who don’t much like to get their hands dirty and prefer to be the brains of the operation. As with the Highpads, these characters will be expected to participate in any heist or con events they attend.


Roles we are specifically not looking for:

Alchemists, doctors/healers, drug dealers and suppliers, fences, magic experts, mechanics, business owners looking to do money laundering, most ‘connection/resource’ roles. We’re pretty good on all of these and would like to avoid shafting current members and having too many ‘non-thief’ roles in our theft-themed FC.



Rules and Recruitment


If you find yourself interested in , please read over our rules and guidelines to be sure you are still a fit. Keep in mind that applying and joining without reading the rules may lead to issues down the road, and failure to read the guidelines set is not a valid excuse for breaking a rule.


Our recruitment form can be found HERE and must be filled out to apply to the FC! We will contact you as soon as possible to let you know we’ve reviewed it and, hopefully, proceed to the small OOC interview ingame and the IC interview** to get you in! New recruits are subjected to a ‘trial’ rank for up to two weeks within the FC before being promoted to the respective member rank.


**The IC interview will be your character’s initial meeting of Conor and Zevet (or just Conor), and how they are inducted into the gang. They will be given a copper linkpearl that signifies them as a member during this RP, which will grant you an invite to the IC linkshell.[/align]


RP Hooks for the interview include:


  • Hearing an underground rumor that Conor is recruiting.
  • Your character may be in need of some help/food/gil in Pearl Lane or somewhere in Ul’dah.
  • Conor/Zevet may catch your character stealing.
  • Your character may come to the shrine at Trader’s Abbey (the FC house) to seek respite or guidance or even to steal from the offerings or sleep on one of the benches


[align=center]Contact me here or contact one of us in-game on Cohno'ra Vukoja or Zevet Jharaji[/align]

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