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A Raen who is not quite what she seems

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After a lengthy break from FF14 and some time to do a read up on all that's been happening since I've left, it's finally time for me to throw myself back in the ring. 


I present now my new Character, Yomi Aogane. The link to her wiki page is in my signature and here .


What I am looking for, hooks (IC):


-Casual contacts. While Yomi isn't a heavy drinker she does frequent taverns on her journey and travels through the realm. A little casual conversation about travels, adventures and trials that were faced and triumphs to celebrate in some way are always more enjoyable and memorable when shared!


-Merchants, Smiths, Alchemists. 

Both her obsession over any form of bladed weaponry and her profession as a shinobi devour a healthy amount of equipment. Someone has a fascinating new weapon imported from Doma, or conducted a new toxin more efficient than normal, or just have a ton of vaguely high quality throwing knives? Yomi will probably want to strike a deal. 



Food, shelter, equipment, all of it costs money, of course. And while she has a humble sum stored away for emergencies, she does perk up when hearing of a good job offer that could reward her handsomely. Without some material reward, convincing her will be hard though. Look at the point above this though for non gil related inspiration! 


-Conflict/news from "home"

While Yomi wasnt some well-known figurehead, word of her past could have circeled around in Doma proper, as well as among some of those who fled along with her. It could be feasible that someone caught wind atleast of  the rough cut of her story. What then?

Confront her about it? Slide it into conversation to get a clearer picture? Or outraged enough to storm at her and demand a duel? 

Considering how sensitive this part is I'd appreciate it if we'd discuss the possibilities of other characters knowing of her past before it being brought up in character, I hope that this is a reasonable request. 

On the other hand, she still does keep to her promise of returning to fight for her home, yet her main reason not to being the futility. As she is not aware of any of the current events in the east, someone who is and informs her could throw a right curveball into her current life. And any credible information, or the promise thereof, would be sure to attract her attention. 


OOC Information:

I'm from Europe, so my Timezone, GMT+1, has me on times that are somewhat NA unfriendly. Until I go to Uni later this year though I have somewhat of a night owl time schedule. 


I'm on and about ingame and in character usually in the mornings or in the late evening. Primarilly she stays in and around Ul'dah, but if you can't catch a hold of her, send me a PM here and we can try to work something out. I lurk with the forum open about 80% of my time and will get back to you as soon as I'm able. 


If any questions rise up, post them on here or PM me. Thank you for your time and I hope to see you ingame!

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