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[Excaliber/Siren] trying to find fellow Rp friends. *hellooo out therrre!*

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This is me dipping my toe into the RP community on FFXIV.:blush:

 Yes, I am fully aware that there are servers more known for their RP- but I had the unfortunate fate of joining the game much much later and thus there is no space on balmung and others for me T_T. Originally I'm from diablos, joining an Fc which eventually dissolved from lack of activity, this made me  make an alt on Excaliber. Still As I worked through the MSQ I eventually worked up the courage to make an alt purely for RP on Siren. Whilst I'm not apposed to RPing on Excaliber if anyone here is from there- I figure I should list what characters I was interested on going on grand adventures with like minded roleplayers. 


It's hard making a profile right now, I'd really like to shadow my fellow rp'rs and see how they make their way in the grand narrative of Eorzea's story. I've got a skeleton plot for Mayu and wokring on refining Shion as well for the community.

I'm open to critic and suggestions, I'd also just love some conversation beyond simple raid tactics with my normal Fc's. I'm mostly just hoping by reaching out I can find what few like minded people exist on the servers I exist in. Again, I know I'm sorry... but being a poor student I just can't pay to migrate my characters- especially at the expense of leaving such good friends I did make behind^^;

For now I'm just haunting the character creation window between 2-3am hoping by some dumb luck a space might open someday for me on one of the main RP servers. 


I'm very interested in roleplays that try and incorperate the lore of the games world, it's just so rich and intricate, I'm often taking screenshots and recording dungeons just to collect information from the setting. I'm a huge horror and mystery buff- hence why a lot of character start in Gridania! I'm also open to rping on other forms of media and here in the fourms if such a thing is available. 

So in short::chocobo:

My mains are-

Excaliber: Shion Fanel

Siren: Mayu Minakami

Goblin: Aegis Caelum

thank you for reading, sorry for the awkwardness and I look forward to getting to know you all in whatever capacity that I can.

I'm a fellow artist, (animator) by profession, so I'm especialy looking forward to making art in regards to good storytelling.

All the best to you and yours-

~ Mayu

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Hey there, and welcome to the RPC! :D


Right now, I do believe there's a hard lock-down on character creation in the Balmung, but Mateus might still be open! Even so, I can fully understand that situation lol


I'd give a big thumbs-up to your eagerness to learn about the rich world of Eorzea, and would even redirect you to




here, for even more resources on lore! :thumbsup:


Wishing you all the best in your search for connections in said servers, and if you should ever find Balmung open, do feel free to hit me up for connections! :D

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Hey there, and welcome to the RPC! :D


Right now, I do believe there's a hard lock-down on character creation in the Balmung, but Mateus might still be open! Even so, I can fully understand that situation lol


I'd give a big thumbs-up to your eagerness to learn about the rich world of Eorzea, and would even redirect you to




here, for even more resources on lore! :thumbsup:


Wishing you all the best in your search for connections in said servers, and if you should ever find Balmung open, do feel free to hit me up for connections! :D


1stly thank you for that wonderful response and I've been scowering the lnk you gave me. It's been infomring a lot of the choices I think I'll make for profiles.:D

I hope I can someday get a place on bulmung till then I suppose I can always converse here? 

Surely there are corospondant forums right?

I see there is also a section for profiles in a seperate wiki-

I'll need to read up on how I can go about making them.


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