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Hyur (not the sound Link makes) looking for associates and allies!

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Howdy! I've posted on this forum once before, but from phoenix. Upon having my heart shattered many moons ago, learning my home server was not one of the realms of RP, I tried to find a few contacts but it was mostly a failure (did meet a few though!) but I now return with vigor and uh.. Determination.


What do I have to offer?

Well, so far not much! A very length RP experience (spanning close to a decade now, across every MMO that has existed and even some forum/text RP) and someone with a decent grasp on the English language. I'm available nearly all the time (student with no job, woo!) and can work around others easily.


Aight BM, what about the character?

The character, as the title suggests is a Hyur by the name of Kalwyn Thorn. (as my Roe was originally a hyur.. then a lala.... then.. elez... Fantasia is a hell of a drug.)

She doesn't have much to her yet, bar a few staples of her over other MMOs, personality traits I like to carry over. She is a fiery woman, with a temper to match and an overall cocky attitude. She thinks she's the best (maybe not the warrior of light), but she's far from it. But not one to ever admit it, she isn't narcissistic, but she's getting very close to it. She is a mercenary by trade, although that branches out into anything from standing guard to harvesting plants, should there be money involved. However anything that sends her out on an adventure will be sure to light her fire, being one with an insatiable Wanderlust. Her current home is effectively inns and taverns across the lands of Eorzea.



Final Addendum

This is a fresh character, as in, week fresh! (I mean, duh, it's Omega. Everything's fresh.) but that means I have no house, no FC, currently not a high level! I have nothing, merely my RP skills to aid me through this scary, unforgiving world!


If you want to contact me, post here, send me a DM, or hit me up in-game on Omega @ Kalwyn Thorn!




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