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A couple of characters looking for connections!

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So, an RP partner and I have been searching for individuals to help us expand our characters and their stories, and as such, I've decided to push them out of the nest and see what happens!

We have two duo's who we would like to make connections for.




[align=center]The Shaman and his Apprentice[/align]





Styrmoeya Hymronthsyn is a Seawolf, through and through.  Born on the isles in the Northern Empty, he is what Eorzeans would call a conjurer.  He has spent the better part of his young life learning to communicate with the elementals, protecting and guiding his people from the unseen on their long voyages as his father did before him, and his father before that.   After some great tragedy has landed him stranded upon the Eorzean mainland, he has since wandered the lands seeking to further his connection with the elemental spirits.  


In his travels, he met a young, energetic miqo'te woman by the name of A'lyana Nulah.  A'lyana was a huntress from the Antelope tribe, who left her home in Paglethan to study conjury.  Bearing witness to his magics, she demanded that the Roegadyn teach her his peoples version of the art, and after much deliberation (And pestering from her) he agreed... keeping her out of trouble ever since has kept the Seawolf busy.




[align=center]The Oroniri Wolf and the Dotharli Doe[/align]




Chonjin of the Oronir, and Sora of the Dotharl.    An unlikely pair of tribal xaela, who found themselves bound in the Oroniri belief that every child of the sun god Azim will find for himself his soulmate amongst the children of Nhaama.   In a fit of wanderlust, the pair has set out from the steppes to see the world and the mysteries that lie within it.   


A warrior of the Oronir, Chonjin has been struggling with his Inner Beast, or as the xaela are want to call it the Will of Keresh, and has heard rumors of individuals within the land of Eorzea who have mastered the powerful force.  One of the objectives of their travels is to find such a man and convince him to help.   


A warrior, as all Dotharl are, Sora is more than capable of handling her self in a fight.  However, outside of the familiar world of the Steppe, she is incredibly naive and struggles to interact with people from other cultures.  However, she is eager to see the world and will follow Chonjin anywhere, especially if it means helping him with is affliction.



[align=center]What we're looking for![/align]


  • For Styrmoeya and A'lyana, we're looking for anything and everything.  Friends, enemies, acquaintances, drinking buddies, and even a Free Company that would take in a pair of misfits.
  • For CHonjin and Sora, we're looking for all sorts of connections, the big ones being someone to help Chonjin with his inner Beast, but we desire adventuring companions, friends, enemies, and just anyone to help write and share a story with.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think Abe would fit well into a story for the Ra's, but Styrmoeya and A'lyana sound like fun to be around!



If you're still looking, let's figure something out. You can also add me on Discord if that's easier: KaptainKhaz#2049

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  • 5 weeks later...

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