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Returning to Hydaelyn in a new form!


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MMORPG background

My main MMO experience is Guild Wars 2, with the original GW, World of Warcraft, and a few free-to-play attempts strewn around my timeline. I started XIV around a year or so ago and played for somewhere over a hundred hours, but I've only just learned about the RP community this week, and decided I'd like to rejoin the game!



RP experience

I've been RPing through forums, chats, and e-mails for about a decade or more, and I've been slightly in the GW2 RP community for a year. I also play tabletop games!



Character ideas/info

My current character is a PLD Au Ra from Ul'dah, and based somewhat off of an existing OC of mine that is a paladin of the Pathfinder deity of arts and music. I'm still learning the finer parts of the lore, so, uh... that's all I've got, for now. :cactuar:



How did you learn about the coalition?

Remix Sakura!



What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? (e.g. Light, medium, or heavy)

Likely light, as I still have a fair amount of MSQ to get through (my main is pre-Heavensward :blush:)



Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc.)

I'm a full-time student, living in the state of Florida, and I like to knit and attempt to make Gunpla models. My favorite Final Fantasy game is X!:moogle:

I'm also somewhat shy, but don't be afraid to message me if you want to plot something out!

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