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Looking for friendly, mature RP group


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Looking for friendly, mature RP group.  I have not been a huge fan of MMOs in the past but I gave FFXIV a try a couple months ago, enjoyed it, and would like to give it another go.


I am not familiar with RP'ing in an MMO environment so I will require assistance getting up to speed with the nuances.  I am also not a skilled MMO player so there is probably going to be a fairly significant learning curve with that as well.


I am polite, respectful and try to be courteous to everyone. I enjoy people and personalities from all walks-of-life. I have yet to make a character, so I am not married to a particular server. If anyone can recommend a group that is new player friendly I look forward to hearing from you.

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Welcome to FF14 RP!  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


I recently started an RP/PvE FC on Mateus, so there's that.  We're still small, but I think it might be a good fit.  I've been playing MMOs for 17 years now and RPing for several years as well, so I can also show you the ropes of both.


Looking forward to hearing from you!

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