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Wicked Brute Seeking Long-Term RP Partner!

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Character Information:


Grim is a ruthless mercenary, one who is willing to accomplish the task, no matter the means. Wielding the power of the Abyss, he tarnishes the name of those who would call themselves Dark Knights. Perhaps once he cared for justice, for putting a bloody end to corruption, but no longer, he has become the very thing that drove him to arm himself with his massive blade.


He wanders the land, bloodying his blade for gil--whether innocent or guilty, it no longer matters. Rumor has it that he seeks to legitimize his venture by hiring on others who are willing to tread the darker path for the right price.


Who can really know the true intent of such a man, and why he seeks to establish such an organization, whether it to profit from any number of illicit trades, or some other darker, grand plan...


Who Am I Looking For?:


A female "love" interest, sidekick, companions in arms, or possibly business partners. Who knows! I'm new to the server, and am open to ideas.



My Availability:


I am available Mon.-Fri. 6:00AM-3:00PM and then again after 8:00PM until I go to sleep.

I am not available on Weekends in-game, but I am available practically 24/7 on Discord, especially on the weekends.


Thank you for taking the time to go through this. I look forward to your replies. You may message me on Discord: NorseKorean#3251

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey! Love your concept!


I feel as though Adelaide would be the best fit for your character -- she's a morally ambiguous/neutral evil sorta gal with a love for magitek and generally being a nuisance.


Send a PM or message me on Discord if you're interested at judicialHunter#9027!

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