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Blacksmith seeking more

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5Sayori Farcloud

Age. Late 20s

Race: Raen (F)

Occupation: Swordsmith/cook

Birthplace: hidden Othardian mountain village, between the Burn and the Steepe (now destroyed)

Family: second child of five, Eldest sister.


Brief Backstory:

 Raised in a simple village with deep traditions. Due to aether attunement was assigned to be a temple honor guard and assist in village ceremonies with family. Martially trained, both practical and ceremonial. Apprenticed with village blacksmith from young age and became skilled in traditional smithing.  Displaced to Eorzea after regional conflicts.



Works as a cook in a hunting lodge after reuniting with displaced family. Still learning western blacksmithing. Has developed a strong interest in firearms and pyrotechnics. Seeking someone to help train in gunsmithing and appropriate alchemy.



Longtime player seeking more RP partners! East coast based. Evenings M-F, weekends tend to be wide open. Seeking to ICly expand skills and connections for long term RP and friendship. Maxed on all jobs but I still like running all sorts of content as well, both just cause and icly. Open to more if chemistry is right. Can be contacted by messages here, in game when online, (also can be reached by bugging any of the other 4 Farcloud players!) and can trade discord info if serious.

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