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Chocobo Trainer LF Long-term Connections! <3

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[align=center]Name: Yana Hart


[align=center]Age: 26


[align=center]Gender: Female


[align=center]Race: Hyur, Midlander.


[align=center]Occupation: Chocobo Trainer & Tea House owner.


[align=center]Sexuality: Bi-curious, mainly straight.


[align=center]Alignment: Lawful Neutral[/align]





[align=center] Abandoned as a child with her brother, Yana has grown up a majority of her life within Bentbranch Meadows, raised to train and breed racing chocobos. She became a mother of sorts to her brother, providing as much care as she could at a young age. Upon adulthood, Yana and her brother encountered a group of Garleans at the Meadows, kidnapping a few residents: One of those residents was her brother. [/align]


[align=center]In desperation, Yana attempted to save her brother’s life, having no combat experience to help her. She was almost killed, and in the end, she saw things that evidently scarred her for life.



[align=center]With vengeance and anger in her heart, she joined the Resistance, learning many skills in order to aid in the efforts of war. After the Calamity, She has since made her home in the Far East with a close confidant of hers, hoping to shed more light on what happened to her brother, as well as further her own interests by running a Tea House.







[align=center]:  Yana is a very happy-go-lucky, bright, and bubbly person. She is very adamant about keeping the people she cares about safe. She views her Chocobos that she raises as if they were her own. She is very dedicated to her work, though sometimes it can end up toiling her relationships with others. 




[align=center]**Looking For:**[/align]

[align=center]*Friends & Connections* - Yana is always happy to meet new people and make new connections: Whether they be business oriented or otherwise. Possibly romance if it escalates to that point.




[align=center]**Long Term Connections are a plus!!!**





[align=center] I work three days a week, so those times I will be on very late at night (2am EST type of late) But otherwise, I am usually on most times of the day for the four days I am off work. :) [/align]

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