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New adventuring FC looking for members!

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[align=left](NOTE: I'm borrowing the layout of this post from Skullcrusher's similar post: http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=20765 .  Credit where credit is due.)




[align=center]May the Starlight shine ever onward![/align]

[align=left]IC: Ana'li Qozu had been an adventurer for most of his adult life, leading a group known as the Starlight Company (as the group had formed during the Starlight Celebration).  Starlight took a lot of jobs from Limsa Lominsa, and were often paired with Mealvaan's Gate assessor Tyll Starr on them.  Ana'li and Tyll soon fell in love, married, and had a daughter named Ayu.


While Tyll stayed in Limsa to raise Ayu, Ana'li returned to adventuring to provide for his family.  And when Tyll told him that she was pregnant once again, Ana'li was delighted.  However, shortly before Tyll was to give birth, Ana'li died from an infected wound sustained on one of his adventures.


Without Ana'li to lead them, the Starlight Company disbanded.  Tyll gave birth to a son - Tyll'a - and continued working for Mealvaan's Gate.


Now, with danger at every turn, Tyll realizes that the Starlight Company is needed more than ever.  Tyll'a, the new leader of the Company, hopes he can do as well as the father he never knew...[/align]



OOC: Hello everyone!  I'm the leader of Starlight Company, a new FC on Mateus.


<> is a light-to-medium RP FC based in Limsa Lominsa, although I'm not going to be restricting it to there.  There is an idea for a first FC storyline, and I definitely want to do more storylines after that one.  Ideas are always welcome!


When we're not RPing, I also want the FC to be a place where people can play the game together, whether that is PvE, PvP, or a combination of the two.  I'm hoping that once we get enough people, we can get a raid team together, but if that's not your cup of tea, you're still very much welcome in <>.


[align=left]If you want to know more about <> or would like to join, just send me a message either here or in-game! 


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