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Somewhat daunted Australian here, but ready to jump back in to rping! After playing several other mmorpgs and finding nothing I enjoyed, I ended up giving ffxiv a go and am loving it! currently on omega but looking at throwing a character on balmung maaaybe mateus??, as I'm not entirely sure about the roleplay community in ff or how you guys work ^^", opinions (not arguements) on which server would be greatly appreciated!!

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You're not able to make a character on Balmung, so that would leave Mateus as your option there.  


The RP community here is very friendly and adaptable from my experience.  I don't think you'd have problems finding folks to RP with if you end up making someone over here.


Depending on the character, I've got 4 characters of my own that I'd be willing to toss your way if they fit in with the idea.

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You're not able to make a character on Balmung, so that would leave Mateus as your option there.  


The RP community here is very friendly and adaptable from my experience.  I don't think you'd have problems finding folks to RP with if you end up making someone over here.


Depending on the character, I've got 4 characters of my own that I'd be willing to toss your way if they fit in with the idea.

That's real generous!! Can I pm you?

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