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New to FF14 looking for RP contacts!

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Hello! I am very new to Final Fantasy 14, and I am looking for some RP contacts to start having adventures. While I'm new to this game, I am not so new to RP, and stories. I have been rping for over 20 years, from table top, to MMOs, to chat rooms and messengers.


What I am looking for specifically is fun with comic, adventure, and drama rp. I am pretty much open for any type of RP, except for ERP, though adventure is my favorite. Right now I can only commit to RP casually because I cannot be in game very often thanks to RL thought i'm hoping to change that in the future.


The character I am looking for connections is Xe'roseh Yuush




Xe'roseh Yuush is from Thanalan. Though she says she is from a small local tribe, she has no knowledge of the whereabouts from anyone else in her tribe, and is looking for them, when she remembers she is looking for them. Living, and life tend to distract her from that task, mostly because she doesn't really mind being alone most of the time.


Xe'roseh is an odd serious and quiet hunter. She will probably not understand your jokes, and probably not say more than two words to you at a time, while still being very expressive in body language. Her favorite things are (in this order): food, music, stories, interesting things. While quiet, she is not shy, and will go up and beg for food from strangers if they have food out.


Rose is illiterate. I'm hoping that eventually she will learn how to read through RP, and learn about current affairs and more in depth lore. She knows some thanks to her personal experience and her hobby of eavesdropping on any conversation in her hearing.


Rose has a knack for finding, causing, and escalating trouble. She's very curious person, she has to look in the box to see what's in side. She also has a strange logic which makes her a bit unpredictable.


She enjoys being a wanderer. She can be seen in some random corner of the world. You can ask her how the hell she got there and she'll just shrug. Despite this she always comes back to Ul'dah. Its a comfortable place for her.


So! If you think we can be good rp contacts go ahead and toss me a line in some form and fashion. Replying to here is good, sending me a message on this site, or poking me in game is also good.

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