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Hello from Exodus

Spartan 353

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Hey all, new here but a long time FF fan (first was FF VI over 20 years ago) and big sci-fi fan too.  As my username suggest, I love Halo and that's actually where I began RP all the way back in 2001 when Halo Combat Evolved first came out.  Then with Elder Scrolls Oblivion, I stepped into fantasy RP with the same character from Halo, so she has evolved since then from Oblivion to Fallout 3/NV to Skyrim and finally to FFXIV and Fallout 4 these days.  I began playing FFXIV soon after Heavensward was released, so I've been playing for over two years now.  So my style of role play is a unique mix of sci-fi from the Halo universe and fantasy.  I'm actually grateful that FFXIV has deep sci-fi lore in the Allagan Empire and that's where my main focus is at the moment in the moderate amount of RP I do in this game.


I like to RP the lone wolf because in Halo lore, Spartan supersoldiers usually work alone unless they are in a small fireteam such as the legendary Spartan Blue Team (Master Chief, Linda, Kelly and Fred).  My character who is Rinoa-353 has been lost in space and time following a major accident and has been trying to find a way home back to her proper timeline and universe since.  I also tend to be taciturn and reserved IRL, so playing the lone wolf that's lost suits me the best.  I actually had typed up a character bio/backstory when I first started playing this game over two years ago, so where would one post such things?  They are formatted to appear as reports to the upper command of the Halo universe, so it's like reading a debrief in sorts and not an interactive one like many do so here. 


I began on Exodus and have stuck around with it since, so it's my home server on FFXIV.  Not much major RP occurs there but I'm ok with that for the most part because I would just end up confusing many people when I ask them sci-fi mumbo jumbo in a fantasy setting.  It must be a bit odd to have someone with a heavy sci-fi background trying to fit in a fantasy RP manner and that's what I actually like at the moment since my character is a true outsider from another world and finds the lands of Hydaelyn strange when she comes from a universe where science and logic rule the ways of thinking.  I'm currently enjoying reading the back stories and styles of RP from all the diverse people on these forums :)



So you get an idea what I mean coming from a hard sci-fi setting to a fantasy setting.... in Skyrim and now in FFXIV, lol  The challenge is trying to recreate that armor since I main a DRG.  





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