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Looking for a new home! On Midgardsormr!

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Hey people, recently wanted to give FF a try and looking for an RP home. I do want to do the game activities while here but I would like a solid group of people to RP with, Archer on Midgardsormr by the name of Reyhea. I have no ideas for her as a character yet and not even very familiar with the game so if anyone is willing to give a helping hand, I would be grateful!

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Hello and welcome! :)


Unfortunately, I can't offer much in the way of leads on RP for Midgardsormr. The only FC I was able to find is located on this thread:




I don't see anything in the Linkshell hall for them.


Most RP is honestly concentrated on Balmung, Gilgamesh, Mateus, and Omega. Balmung is currently locked, but Mateus or Omega might be good options if you're open to trying another server?


Anyway, good luck!

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