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Super new to FFXIV and would like to get into the Rp

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Hello to whomever is reading this! I hope you're having a great time reading this.


As the top text says I am really new to FFXIV and all that, and it has come to my attention I am playing on the wrong server for being able to roleplay, I belive I am on a server called corleus, or something similar! I can try to change server but I won't be able to get on balmung. I have tried that.


I guess I want someone/people to guide me though out the game and help me with how the roleplay works in FFXIV- since I really want to get into it. I know the basics of roleplay and that.

 But since I live in sweden and not in US I will be on weird times! Now I don't know if people actually read these but i'd love some help on the matter and getting new friends!


You can either post down below if you want to help or send a pm? Is that even possible? I don't know, anyways! YOU take care! And thank you for your time!


Love ya!

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I have good news! There is actually an EU-based RP server - Omega! If you create a character there, you should be able to find RPers that are more concurrent to your schedule. Hopefully one of them will also be around to add their own suggestions on where to begin once you are there.


However, if you don't mind the US time-frame, the alternative to Balmung (which is locked for the foreseeable future for being too full!) is Mateus.

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Hello! I actually play on Balmung currently, so there's little chance of us playing together in game (Barring aserver change to Mateus which... Might happen anyways), but I also keep strange hours compared to most of my fellow Americans, due to working a night shift. My most active times are 830AM till about 12 CST, which is when most people are at work or sleeping, but I believe these times are.. Evening/night for the EU?




There's an extravagant process we can go through that involves party finder and dungeons, but we can be friends in game if you want to ask questions! Or, just PM  me here.


Welcome to FFXIV and the HRC and stuff. Get ready for a wild ride, it's worth it.

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Welcome, fellow Swede, to the wonderful world of FFXIV! I know the struggle of time zones since all of my friends live in the US and I have ym main character on a NA server; I'm always the only one online, queue times are horrible during the day at times, and basically no one is online. I also have a character on Omega, which is slightly better for my time zone. If you transfer servers or create a new character on Omega, hmu if you're in need of a Swedish friend. (:

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