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Hi everyone! 


My username on FFXIV is tumtumtree and my character's name is Aysu Zelenia, a female Miqo'te Arcanist. I am on the Mateus server after hearing that it's the primary RP server after Balmung. 


My primary reason for joining FFXIV was for the RP, as there is an unfortunate dearth of RP-focused MMORPG (please don't suggest Second Life to me...I've tried it and it's not my cup of tea). As I'm here primarily for RP, I am using a free trial account for now. Several questions!


1.) Will my playing on a free account hinder my ability to RP? I am aware that I will not be able to add friends, be "social," or whisper. 

2.) I am level 13 now. In game, I was told to level up to 17 so that I can get access to Quicksand at Ul'dah. In the meantime, is there any other way to RP? Perhaps a RP group I could join? 


As for my previous RP experience, I've done a decent amount of Harry Potter RP around various RPG sites and through Second Life, but I'd like to go for a new lore this time around.

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Hello again! So I'm up to level 17 now, and I chocobo'ed my way from Gridania to Ul'dah. I was able to find Quicksand, and now I have more questions!


1.) Someone told me in game that there is a lot of ERPing in Quicksand. Not exactly what I'm looking for! Where should I be looking for some non-ERP RP? 

2.) How do people RP mainly? In the local chat? 

3.) Any suggestions for FCs to join for RP?


P.S. If anyone sees me in game, I'd love it if you could say hi! I feel a little lonely playing the game atm Q_Q

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Hello and welcome to FFXIV! Let's see if I can help you out with some of these questions...


1.) Will my playing on a free account hinder my ability to RP? I am aware that I will not be able to add friends, be "social," or whisper.

2.) I am level 13 now. In game, I was told to level up to 17 so that I can get access to Quicksand at Ul'dah. In the meantime, is there any other way to RP? Perhaps a RP group I could join?


1. A little? As you mentioned, you can't send tells (but you can receive them!) and the like. However, you can be invited to Linkshells (private chat groups, effective), which are commonly used for both IC and OOC communication with regards to RP.


2. The Quicksand is a popular RP hub, but it is far from the biggest one. You can sometimes find RP at any of the "taverns" in the three city-states, and sometimes just out in the open. At least, that's how it is in Balmung, but I've heard you can find a lot of "out in the world" RP on Mateus as well. So just looking around (and seeing if anyone has the RP tag up!) can help you find your fellow RPers.


Hello again! So I'm up to level 17 now, and I chocobo'ed my way from Gridania to Ul'dah. I was able to find Quicksand, and now I have more questions!


1.) Someone told me in game that there is a lot of ERPing in Quicksand. Not exactly what I'm looking for! Where should I be looking for some non-ERP RP? 

2.) How do people RP mainly? In the local chat? 

3.) Any suggestions for FCs to join for RP?


1. While the Quicksand has a bit of an infamous stigma for being a hub for ERP, that isn't the only kind of RP to be found there. It's a good spot for general, "tavern-y" RP - stopping by to get a drink, get something to eat, meet up with friends, regale strangers with tales of daring-do. Most of these locations (Quicksand, Wench, and Canopy) are also where the Adventurer's Guild is maintained, so you can also find people placing ads for and/or looking for adventuring work.


2. There's a few ways people will RP. Some like to have it out in the open and will RP over /say and publicly visible /emotes. However, folks wanting something a little more private or are worried about losing their posts in the scroll (especially in busy areas) will use party chat, tells, and sometimes even over Linkshell chat. I don't think any one way is particularly dominant, but if I had to pick... I'd say most RP either in /say or in party chat.


3. Unfortunately, this is probably the one question I can't answer as I'm not on Mateus. However, we do have a Free Companies section that you can utilize to look at the Mateus FCs that have threads here. Some of them may even come in and let you know about them here! Other than that, I guess look around and see what sort of people are RPing... see if you can find people who are RPing in a style you like... and see what FC they're in.


Hopefully that all helps! :blush:

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