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Interested in Interaction c:

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I play Nyx Netherflame on the Balmung server (tumblr: it's primarily just her profile right now), and I'd really love it if I could get her a bit more out and about, I think. Generally speaking, I'm a pretty shy and anxious individual and I like sort of planning ahead a bit instead of being put on the spot (like I would be if I popped up the RP tag in the Quicksand, or similar spaces). 


As a short description of who she is:




Nyx Netherflame is a rather blunt, sometimes obtuse, individual who is likely less polite than she ought to be in most circumstances. Has a temper that flares up easily, but can be a rather easy-going person to talk to if she's comfortable and feels relaxed, or just bored. 


She's unaware of her own origins, and earliest memories involve flashes of a ship, and then Gridania (where she lived most her life). Nyx is around 27 years old, a xaela au'ra, transgender and a Dark Knight by classification.


She's around six feet tall and muscular with a lean build, despite how characters look in-game. 


Hooks/Things that might be good starting points:


- Nyx has competed in the Bloodsands in the past, longer than 2 years ago for her last bout. She's competed a total of four times, most recent bout a win with the others putting her in a winning spot once, another by default, and a third she lost. Not big-ticket names and event, either. 

- Nyx is/was a mercenary who primarily worked around Ul'dah and Coerthas.

- Nyx used to be, 6 years ago or so, a courtesan at a shady business based in Ul'dah to make ends meet. Sang, danced before, and so on. 

- Nyx, 6+ years ago, was a student/aide of sorts in the Gladiator's Guild. 

- Nyx did help out around Gridania on occasion when she was much younger, 10 and lower, while training at the Lancer's Guild from ages 12 - 17 until she left for Ul'dah. In case anyone might have known her there, she used her current name since she was found, pretty much.

- Nyx is also someone who's likely been present in most establishments, that are public, in Ul'dah, Gridania and Coerthas at some point or another. 


Location-wise: She's most likely to be in Ul'dah, around Coerthas in general, or Gridania. It's unlikely she'd ever go to Limsa Lominsa, unless she was forced to. (And would not be able to travel out to Kugane/Doma/Shirogane/Othard in general).


Ideally, any sort of interaction rather works for me. I'm not terribly big into RP combat unless it's planned out and serves a story, but friends/acquaintances/romantic types of things are all fair game. As a note on the last point, she swings both ways. 


I wouldn't mind someone who somehow managed to get her to divulge her fear of sea-faring ships out, granted she could benefit pretty heavily from someone who would work with her on that fear borne from a traumatic portion of her history. 


She also would have a lot of questions, curiosities, inquiries to make to any xaelan au'ra. 


Anything else could work as well, if there're ideas not mentioned here it's more to do with me not thinking of them. 


Anyone can feel free to contact me on this website, in game (again, Nyx Netherflame is the character's full name), or through Discord (Kitania#8519). Or even through the tumblr linked above Nyx-Netherflame.tumblr.com)


Ultimately, she is kinda rough around the edges, but a softer soul than she lets on, really.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I updated her appearance, I was initially planning to sort of test it but the more I've used this in-game look for her, the happier I've been. 


I'm also using this small update as a light bump. c:

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