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[Omega] newbie o/


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hi !  long-time roleplayer here, with previous non-roleplaying experience in games like lotro, swtor, as well as a definitely healthy interest in single-player rpgs & tabletop as well.  a rough estimate for my time writing online would be eleven years, & i've been writing offline for longer.  this is my first time dipping my toes into roleplaying via mmorpg, but ffxiv has a hook in me & i'd really love to give it a go.


my character is briardien miraudont, pugilist & rogue, who would sooner pick up thread, needle, or skillet before making too much of a violent scene.  he's grown up in the streets of ul'dah first as an urchin, then, because of his elezen build, as some lean muscle for hire or errand boy here & there.  he's soft-spoken, maybe a little too benign, & would sooner hold his tongue & learn from his peers than speak too loudly about things he considers to be beyond his ken (which he personally feels is a lot).  he's easy-going, a bit of the gentle giant trope.


the player is an artist (who, if you let her, will probably doodle your character), in love with games, wading through life in a bit of a colour palette daydream.  i also literally discovered the coalition through googling round for any info on roleplaying within the omega server, so that worked out pretty well.  scotland-based, gmt time zone.  game for any roleplaying, light, medium, or heavy  --  but i do consider myself more heavy-leaning, since i'm usually a lore nerd & realist through any other medium.  still green on ffxiv lore, but i'm eager to devour as much as i can.


thanks for having me.  looking forward to interacting with you all. :)

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