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Looking for active RP FC on Mateus

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Hello! I'm currently looking for a medium to heavy RP guild on Mateus, preferably something along the lines of research, development, mercantile and/or all of the above.


A little about myself OOC:

  • I'm PST, so I play a little later than a lot of people, so other west coasters would be a plus but not required by any means.

  • I've been RPing for a long time, both in games (MMOs and the like), tabletop RPGs, and forum RP. I like storylines, both running/helping to run/or being an active player in. Deeper RP is amazing as well, but slice of life is good too.
  • Rin'li has been my main character since 1.0, but I've only recently returned to RPing in FFXIV. I enjoy many aspects of the game, so an FC that likes to run dungeons/raids as well would be a plus!

  • I love lore! The more lore the better! I try to adhere to FFXIV lore as much as I can.

A little about Rin'li: (*Wiki*)

Rin'li is a researcher, and historian hailing from Sharlayan and has only recently come south to Eorzea. He's polite and cheerful and excruciatingly curious about everything. He's currently working on a thesis about the creation of new spells, but makes a living as an advisor for all things magical, as well as procuring and selling rare books.


The best ways to contact me are either in game (Rin'li Amai), here in this thread, or in a private message on this board. Thanks for reading!

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Hey :smiley: you're welcome to come by  AA-RP anytime, we're highly active so odds are you'll be able to just wander in and find us around 90% of the evening. We're a company with a focus on adventuring. While we do host a bar and fight night, they're on the same day to save more room for events. 


Plot 51, 1st Ward, Mists (Right on the beach)


We also have a website, and a discord: https://amberalyssumrp.enjin.com/


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