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Help wanted!

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My name is Mori'chi and I reside on Hyperion. Recently I have had the itch to join this games community of RP Patrons to which sadly Hyperion is not the most happening place, but i digress. Recently I have been drawn into the court room drama that is Phoenix Wright and it occurred to me that I was having a lot of fun. 


Now to my point and what I am looking for. I want to start a LS or FC for people who are interested in writing and performing mock investigations and trials in game for those out there who find the intrigue of murder and yearn for the court room drama. I want to make these events open to the public some free some hopefully with proceeds to improve and add to the experience. I need help though as I am new to RP and could use a think tank of people on different and fun events to host. If this interest you at all please message me on here I will be setting up a discord for this if I get a few people interested in the idea.


Thank you for your time.

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