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**CTA** Project Speed Dating: Hub Edition! Calling All Mateus/Balmung RPers!

Ysa Ysa

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[align=center]Hello Fellow Roleplayers![/align]



[align=center]First off, I just want to personally say Happy New Year to everyone, and hope so far it has been great for you, as well as your experience playing FFXIV.[/align]


[align=center]I have recently come back from a short hiatus I took on Mateus, trying to focus on family/college before plunging my toes back into the game once more. Knowing the Quicksand has been the go-to place for RP, I decided to jump on in and get back into the playing field. Unfortunately, upon my first experience back at Mateus, I noticed... Well, trolls. [/align]


[align=center]Now mind you, trolls during Open RP is going to happen to matter where you go: Any and every RPer knows that once they encounter it during their journey through the RP world. Sadly, new members within the Mateus Community may not necessarily know that, or may be new to the community in general and want a feel for the server before they dedicate themselves to it. Now, if it were a stray troll or two, it's not really that big of a deal: Normal stuff. You can typically keep it from tarnishing the RP immersion. But recently since coming back, I have noticed the Quicksand has been just *littered* with trolls, even seeming to be more trolls than RPers.[/align]


[align=center]Daily. Non-stop. Friends and FC mates sending me messages concerned and frankly annoyed by how bad it has gotten. A lot of my friends are new, and are honestly very disheartened by the community they are experiencing firsthand, and not the community we **want** to share to them.[/align]


[align=center]That's where my concern and desire for change kicked in. [/align]


[align=center]Quicksand has always been known as the central RP hub for FFXIV RP, Transferring across multiple servers as a hotspot for walk-up RP. I have enjoyed the crazy and memorable experiences in there, and it will always have a place in my heart, but I honestly feel for Mateus, it is time for us to branch off into new waters, and see more of what the world has to offer.[/align]




[align=center]Well, what's the plan?[/align]




[align=center]Upon first thinking of this problem, my first thought was Well, how the hell are we gonna come up with a hub?[/align]



[align=center]What drives people to go to a location to RP? Is it the sights? Is it the playability with RP? Is it the nostalgia you get from spending countless hours grinding with your friends?[/align]


[align=center]Then I realized: It's all of that.[/align]



[align=center]It's the experiences. It's experiencing that location for the first time. It's searching every nook and cranny that spot had to offer. It's learning that within that place, you can create stories beyond your wildest dreams. It's going through that area in the past, remembering all the memories you shared with others.[/align]


[align=center]Why not give people that experience? Give people that feeling of finding a place to call their sanctuary? [/align]


[align=center]My idea? I want to gather a list of RP places that could be the new potential Hub, centralized around the theme "New player friendly." Reason being, I want both new and old RPers to be able to come to this spot and have a great time, and hopefully significantly lower the troll population with this project. Quicksand has always been known as the go-to spot, so naturally trolls knew where to go. We can never truly eliminate the trolls, but we can at least find a place where they would have to actively search for us, which should help the situation tremendously.[/align]


[align=center]With this list compiled, I would then have it to where each week or two, there would be RP events specifically revolved around that place. So for example, if we had chosen Wolves' Den as a choice, an RP event could be a fighting tournament with PVE RP DUELS. Which honestly, would be pretty badass.[/align]


[align=center]After all the fun is had and all the events have ended, we come to the time to reflect and vote on what one stuck near and dear to our hearts the most. After a semi-final and final vote, we would have our winner! Ding ding! [/align]



[align=center]That's where I need your help!!!~[/align]




[align=center]At the end of the day, we all are a community. We grow with one another, learn with one another, and share with one another. Without your help, none of this can happen. I am only person, and this project needs A lot of willing people who want to find a new place where we can promote a more friendly and positive-energy environment than the one that sadly our Quicksand has become.[/align]



[align=center]But hey! New Year, New Change! [/align]



[align=center]I need people who want to brainstorm places, people whom want to help plan events for each place that is presented, give people within the community a fun challenge to see what they can come up with for the area that is chosen for testing. I need people who are passionate about RP, who want change and are eager to get more RP engaged within our community. [/align]



[align=center]https://discord.gg/HPbYNFU is the Mateus Discord. We plan on having some brainstorming there, but I will also be overseeing the forums here as well for those whom would like to contribute to this cause. Once I get our people here, I will construct a more solid post here in the forums so everyone has a clear place to go for this project. I know I have spoken to a few Balmung folk whom also play on Mateus, so I also urge you to join as well: You are as much apart of this community as anyone else whom joins our server.





[align=center]So yeah! Let's get this going! [/align]




[align=center]Please feel free to contact me on my discord StormyGlormy#8635 if you want to privately message me on there concerning your interest, or please post here in this forum! I look forward to seeing many of you lovely faces signing up for this project, and can't wait to give Mateus a brand-new place to call home. <3[/align]

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