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[Balmung] Looking for.. lots of people! [edited]

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Hello there! Edited this a bit as I've added in more people to look for and straightened a few things out.


So, here's the idea. Rather than fill my character's background with people who only exist in writing, I'd like to see if there's a player character who could play the part. Whether you're a new RPer and want to make an immediate connection and friend to RP with, or a veteran, it's all the same. Hopefully we can work something out!


What do we get out of it? Naturally, more people and friends to RP with and the chance to bring our character's history to life a little better. I've left all this pretty brief since I prefer to keep what I can to IC information - but if you're interested, I can elaborate on whatever you want to know more about.


Here's a little about the character.

Damien is a young adult miqo'te, living under an obviously assumed name. After fleeing his old tribe with his sister, he was left to lead a regretful life committed to evil and profit in the slums of Ul'dah. After reaching his lowest point, he scarcely survived the trials it took to claw his way out, but thankfully he finds himself in a better place as a "good person," in his own words. 

He is not so well learned in books or history, has pitiable amounts of aether to make use of, and no real occupation to speak of. However, he has a keen wit and finds ways to get by all the same, currently among a group of explorers he has come to call friends. He takes pleasure in the simple things - naps by the beach, gambling, and eating tasty food after years of rough living. He does, however, continue to prepare himself for the times a fight will come to him whether he wants it to or not.




So, there you have a little window as to who I am. As for who I'm looking for...


Firstly, I'm looking for a character who could be Damien's sister (for a female Seeker Miqo'te)


If you have a female miqo'te character and wanted a brother for her, this could be one way to go about it. Damien's sister is a very important figure to him. Shortly before their tribe collapsed, she carried him - a sickly kid at the time, to Ul'dah, and left him in the hands of a healer. She vanished afterwards, and he's been looking for her ever since then, though with barely any information about where she went.


Her appearance, what she's like, where she went, and even her name are all things I've left intentionally blank in the hopes that I could find a player to take up this familial role. Ideally the character would be a Seeker in her mid to late 20s, around the same age as him, and likely to have a (real / tribal) name beginning with J. Naturally, if you've got any cool ideas I'd love to hear them out.


Secondly, victims of crime or relatives of victims! (anyone / everyone who's lived in Ul'dah for the last ten years or so)


If your character has suffered the death of someone close to them, this might open up an interesting opportunity to find the killer behind it. After being brought to Ul'dah by his sister, life didn't get much better and Damien became quite a crook - turning to a life of crime to pay his way. Along the way, plenty of people were hurt - innocent merchants and citizens, Brass Blades, young or old, rich or poor, anyone he had to. If your character or someone they knew / cared about was on the receiving end of a criminal's violent intent, Damien could have been the one behind it.


Third - Old Ul'dahn contacts! (anyone / everyone who's lived in Ul'dah for the last ten years or so)


Since he spent a long time working within Ul'dah's dark underbelly I figure Damien would know all sorts of people, be it merchants, information brokers, Flames soldiers, and in particular the other poor folk who loitered round the cities' less welcoming alleyways. As for how they could know him, that could be decided between us entirely since it's very open - though they'd probably know him as a dusty street-dweller with a knack for stealing and secrets he'd rather not share.


Finally, any suggestions from anyone!


Frankly I trust that lots of people here are pretty creative and maybe you've thought of a way our characters could be connected in a way I haven't thought of. If you have a suggestion though I'd love to hear it out.


Naturally if anyone has questions, I'll do what I can to answer!


Note: I'm in the UK so my times of play might be incompatible for some people over in the US; I got a regular hours job, so I'm usually free on weekends, and on weekday evenings until 22:00 or 23:00 GMT.

Edited by Damien
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