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Youth of the realm

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I used to remember there being a LS specifically for more youthful characters - Chachan was in it briefly (he is 19, after all). But nothing really came of it, it was usually pretty quiet and there wasn't a lot of attempts to... y'know, plan youngster-based RP or anything like that.


So there's definitely a place for it - and a few characters I've seen scattered around that would fall under that category. It's just a matter of gathering them up and either doing stuff with them, or encouraging them to do more RP with other youthful characters.

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I've seen a lot of younger characters in my time RPing on FF than I have in other games - I suppose because the races aren't supernaturally long-lived, and the player models better allow one to portray someone younger on a visual level, which can help. So it's not uncommon at all.


Though it'd be good to have a bunch of other rascals to pal around with, younger characters can have some great interactions with older ones who can become anything from good friends or teachers of important life lessons to concerned parental figures.

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